There 's the brig right there .
His jailers at the Marine Corps brig in Quantico , Virginia say Manning was kept in a windowless six-by-eight foot cell for 23 hours a day because they say he was a threat to himself and others .
I might even spend some time in the brig .
Next time don 't forget to brig me a copy of your work .
Superficially Analyze that System of Score of Every Ball Brigs Volleyball Match New Changes
The destruction of the brig had been a new source of riches .
Are you still holding the spokesman from the new faction inthe brig ?
There was not a child on board the brig that night who did not already love him .
In order to prove the servant 's honesty she left a Brig containing money on the table .
When I got to the top the dawn was come , there was no sign of the brig .
And the brig brought you to england .
Research on hemostatic mechanism of extracts from carbonized Schizonepeta tenvifolia brig .
He has been stripped of his rank and confined to the brig .
The calm sea was dotted with brigs .
Just at nightfall , when hope was about gone , I was picked up by a small brig which was bound for London .
Throw her in the brig .
The gunboat ordered the brig to lie to and surrender , but instead the brig hung out the red flag .
Peter had been removed for ever from his path , and all the other boys were on the brig , about to walk the plank .
Then , Captain Cuttle 's lodgings - at once a first floor and a top storey , in Brig Place - were close before you .
Captain Cuttle liked this idea very much . It came upon him in a moment of inspiration , as he was smoking an early pipe in Brig Place after breakfast ;
He dare not consider carefully what this new something was , and though for the moment he was afraid to accept it , he could not brig himself to refuse it either .
The Royal Household 's security chief , Brig Jeffrey Cook , and Scotland Yard have been negotiating a set of new police / royal vetting " protocols " .
He was a slave on board the brig Creole , of Richmond , bound to New Orleans , that great slave mart , with a hundred and four others .
but he certainly was not in them , otherwise his legs - the houses in Brig Place not being lofty - would have obstructed the street door , which was perfectly clear .
There are local leaders like police office , Nick Navarette , who coordinates a program that brigs about 60 UC Merced students to local elementary schools each week to mentor students from poor neighborhood .
But the prison as a small society , including prison room , living area , labor workshop , clinic , teaching building , the brig , duty room , dining room , bathroom , playground and other different regions .
Captain Cuttle liked this idea very much . It came upon him in a moment of inspiration , as he was smoking an early pipe in Brig Place after breakfast ; and it was worthy of the tobacco .
and he made such good speed , that he had the pleasure , on turning into Brig Place , to behold the broad blue coat and waistcoat hanging out of the Captain 's oPen window , to air in the sun .
This paper reviews the development of the brightener of more than 20 years for Zn-plating zincate solution of non-cyanide in our country and introduces a new brig - htener ( WD90A ) which produces a kind of mirror zinc coating .
Brig . Gen. Peggy C. Combs , who runs the Army Chemical , Biological , Radiological and Nuclear School at Fort Leonard Wood , Mo. , will take over Roberts 's duties until the matter is resolved , the Army said in a statement .