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  1. Comparative Proteomics Study of the Effects of Serum from AMAN Patients on the Spinal Motoneurons Culture in Vitro


  2. When you have to kill aman it costs nothing to be polite .


  3. Aman says that if future studies can determine the exact structure of the Ebola protein , this could help researchers design drugs .


  4. Objective To investigate the immunohistochemical changes of macrophage in sciatic nerve of animal model with AMAN pattern of GBS .


  5. You mustn 't count on him to help you . he 's just aman of straw .


  6. Aman Royal Super Luxury Hotel


  7. Aman who suffered an emotional breakdown while working for a greedy hedge fund manager came to me for psychotherapy .


  8. Aman Motwane : The biggest threat to our environment today is the way we , as human beings , see our environment .


  9. Acute motor axonal neuropathy ( aman ) after Campylobacter jejuni enteritis ( report of 3 cases )


  10. Four tons of ice were used to sculpt two three-meter statues of aman and a woman holding a baby .


  11. Origin of japanica ( keng ) rice as viewed from some aman and deepwater Cultivars


  12. One of the officers claimed that they were form Bukit Aman , and said they wanted to bring Hoon Cheng away .


  13. Not every newspaper is the same , says Mr Aman . Some business-focused ones are likely to have more robust opportunities in the future .


  14. The new Aman in Hangzhou is a luxury resort adjacent to the iconic site and country 's famous Buddhism temple-Ling Yin .


  15. And what misfortune has happened to you ? why do you look so haughty ? Aman of knowing becomes humble .


  16. The sudden closure in 2005 of the $ 242m aman Capital Global Fund was linked to big derivatives trading losses and poor internal risk controls .


  17. The Role of IL-12 and TNF-alpha in AIDP and AMAN


  18. Aman called Reuben Smith looked after us while York was in London.He was gentle and clever with horses , and an excellent driver .


  19. Neither mother , nor father , nor any other relative can do aman such good as is wrought by a rightly-directed mind .


  20. Thedeath of a partner or child caused a woman £ 73000 loss , while to aman , a similar loss was worth more than £ 350000 , according to thecalculations 。


  21. The 52-metre yacht was launched earlier this year by Aman , the 30-strong hotel group known for immaculate design and formidable prices .


  22. The idea is the brainchild of Aman Tuleyev , governor of the Kemerovo Oblast region in Central Russia .


  23. Aminoglycoside antibiotics ( AmAn ) are effective drugs in therapy against gram-negative infections , but the ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity limit their use in clinic .


  24. Months later , Aman Capital Global , one of Singapore 's lightly regulated hedge funds , closed suddenly after being hit by big derivatives trading losses and poor internal risk controls .


  25. The Aman case sparked a debate over the role of risk officers who also work as fund managers - a dual function that is not uncommon in smaller single-strategy funds .


  26. Objective To study the pathogenic effect of campylobacter jejuni ( Cj ) infection and antibody in acute motor axonal form of Guillain-Barre syndrorne ( AMAN ) .


  27. As the proverb says ," One who will risk being sliced to pieces dare unsaddle the emperor . " Aman so desperately poor will go to any lengths .


  28. But local chef Zul Aman can , and he even survived the deadly tsunami which hit the beautiful and sunny Maldive islands when he was working there .


  29. Park yourself at the newly opened Aman Canal Grande , a restored and rare palazzo monumentale near the Rialto Bridge ( amanresorts . com ) .


  30. Aman in a hat and a woman with a curly-looking hair-do puckering up show people where they must not indulge in full-on lip-locking .
