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  • 网络阿克巴;阿克巴尔
  1. Like my mother , Akbar Khan may not have had much of a formal education , but he had another kind of wisdom .


  2. It was also there that my father met his mentor Akbar Khan , who although he had not gone to college himself lent my father money so he could .


  3. You are also story , you are a great story , much greater than Akbar .


  4. Akbar It 's a traditional Taliban love story .


  5. Leader , we get the passes for it from the director Akbar .


  6. Aah ! Director Akbar , we already have an idea .


  7. We 'll get him , director Akbar !


  8. The sanctions target the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and its director , Ali Akbar Salehi .


  9. They had profited from every moment of life in Akbar and through great effort had accumulated the money for their journey .


  10. Earlier the former President Ali Akbar Rafsanjani delivered a powerful sermon at Friday prayers .


  11. Finish this , and then we 'll go meet some friends in Wazir Akbar Khan .


  12. But many Baloch people were upset because she was seen as bringing disrepute to the community , Mr. Akbar said by phone .


  13. " Allahu Akbar !" shouted the woman behind me .


  14. Hammad Akbar allegedly created this spy work .


  15. The streets of Wazir Akbar Khan were numbered and set at right angles to each other like a grid .


  16. What exactly did I volunteer for ? - Allahu Akbar


  17. Iran 's state-run media says acting Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi has told Iraqi officials that foreign powers must leave their country as soon as possible .


  18. In recent weeks-this video showing former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani during his last campaign-has gone viral on Iran 's social media sites .


  19. Fighting in Syria unsettles Jordan , which is already at the crossroads of regional crises , claims American University professor Akbar Ahmed .


  20. Sher Akbar says many in Buner are worried that fighting could break out soon between security forces and militants , and some people are preparing to leave .


  21. Akbar Risuddin was born to a diabetic mother in a40-minute Cesarean delivery that was complicated because of his unusual weight and size , Dr.


  22. Until now , the university has been a centre of support for the former President Ali Akbar Rafsanjani , one of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 's main rivals .


  23. Throughout the frenzied attack the two killers shouted Allah Akbar then demanded horrified witnesses film them as they ranted over the crumpled body .


  24. My father often spoke of the kindness of Akbar Khan and Nasir Pacha to illustrate that if you help someone in need you might also receive unexpected aid .


  25. Akbar Zeb is no newcomer to politics .


  26. " It is not difficult to rebuild a life , just as it is not impossible to raise Akbar from its ruins ," The Sheperd continued .


  27. Some witnesses said he shouted " Allahu akbar " ( " God is great " in Arabic ) but the motive for the attack is unclear .


  28. The head of Iran 's atomic energy agency , Ali Akbar Salehi , began the day by calling IAEA chief Yukiya Amano " biased . "


  29. Covering most of India and known under Shah Jahan 's grandfather Akbar for religious tolerance the Mogul Empire collapsed in the early1700s .


  30. Ali Akbar Salehi told the Iranian Students News Agency ( ISNA ) Wednesday that the country has the capacity to produce five kilograms of20-percent-enriched uranium a month .
