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  • 网络骗子;诈骗者
  1. Scammers follow money , so companies will be the worst hit .


  2. By the time these " solutions " become widely available , scammers will have moved onto cleverer means .


  3. We are finally waking up to the severity of the problem by supporting and developing a group of tools , apps and approaches intended to prevent scammers from getting through .


  4. These scammers are so persistent ! I always block them , but they keep calling me with a different number !


  5. Chinese customers of ride-hailing app Uber have been getting their ride requests answered by scammers who have come to be known as " ghost drivers , " The Paper reported Sunday .


  6. Doing so can make you an easier target for scammers and fraud artists while traveling .


  7. Due to being a mysterious foreigner I feel a certain confidence to challenge these scammers without fear .


  8. This is a trick to get you to given them your account details so the scammers can use your account .


  9. Did you lose money to those scammers ?


  10. Search the Craigslist Odd Jobs SectionBeware of scammers and people soliciting illegalactivity , however .


  11. According to local media , individuals were approached by scammers posing as client managers of a state-owned bank in Hangzhou .


  12. They look genuine but don 't be fooled . The money goes nowhere but to the scammers .


  13. So beware wine scammers . Because even at the atomic level , in vino veritas .


  14. However , it may not be all the pleasant experience when fraudulent merchants or scammers tend to take advantage of this fledgling service .


  15. No , that 's how we Taiwanese punish the scammers !


  16. Apparently the scammers would buy a back cover , battery , and other components , re-assemble the device and sell it as a new iPhone .


  17. Be on the alert for scammers who have seen your car for sale online and want to offer you a deal that seems too good to be true .


  18. The Fort Myers resident had only been here two months when scammers tried to get him to fall for a text messaging scam .


  19. The Ministry of Civil Affairs ( MCA ) has announced its latest list of fraudulent non-government organizations ( NGOs ) to help the public identify scammers .


  20. The Heilongjiang scammers might have got their idea from the numerous China media reports about chastened officials touring jails as a warning against the wages of corruption .


  21. Free Lotto sells your email address to other scammers so be aware , you will , in all probability , have more scams come across your computer screen .


  22. Even as Apple ( AAPL ) was being lambasted daily in Chinese state-run media for what was being portrayed as unfair iPhone return policies , the company was investigating a ring of Chinese scammers taking advantage of those same policies to rip the company off .
