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  1. Systematic Review on AEFI and Study on Classification of Immunization Damage


  2. Evaluation on Effectiveness of Training for AEFI Surveillance Pilot in Hebei and Guangdong Provinces


  3. There remain , however , many challenges in ensuring that all countries have a functional AEFI surveillance system .


  4. 354 cases of adverse event following immunization ( AEFI ) were reported , and risk ratio was 4.11 / 100,000 ;


  5. GACVS recommended that future immunization campaigns should be accompanied by strengthened AEFI monitoring and investigation activities .


  6. Conclusion Most staff are expected to know more about AEFI , but their consciousness for AEFI reporting should be improved .


  7. Objective To understand the situation of KAP on adverse events following immunization ( AEFI ) among staff on immunization programme in Shandong Province .


  8. Analysis on the Adverse Event Following Immunization ( AEFI ) after Supplementary Immunization Activity of Measles Attenuated Live Vaccine in Sichuan Province in 2007-2008


  9. Recognition of the clustering of cases of aseptic meningitis has potentially been enhanced during mass immunization campaigns due to increased sensitivity of AEFI surveillance .


  10. Investigation on Knowledge , Attitude and Practice ( KAP ) About Adverse Events Following Immunization ( AEFI ) Among Staff on Immunization Programme in Shandong Province , China


  11. Adverse Events Following Immunization ( AEFI ) is a medical incident taking place after immunization , and is been believed to be caused by the immunization .


  12. Objective To understand the cause for the increase of sterile abscess cases upon DPT ( whole cell ) vaccination in 2005 in Beijing , so as to control the AEFI rate and improve vaccination safety .


  13. Results The correct rates of 7 questions among the 13 questions relevant to the knowledges and skills on AEFI had increased greatly after training . But almost half of trainees did not understand the classification of AEFI .
