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  • 网络礼来;礼来公司;礼来制药;礼莱制药;药商礼来公司
  1. Life , not everything , do not often may feel oneself very unfortunate , act lly the world than our pain .


  2. It is helpful to development of the comprehensive earthquake prediction by means of fu - lly studying the precursory anomalies in single method and single station .


  3. Probably my not enough love oneself , but can what to ma ke sure was I to rea lly love you .


  4. Nothing in the world is not perfect , perfect is act lly a kind of beauty , only in constant to accept failure , and frustrations , can find happiness .


  5. The one-legged618745beggar begins to beg eggs illeg lly .


  6. The empirical study examines / amends the theory model and finds out the theory basis for the countermeasures to promote the growth of academic entrepreneur . lly , the author discussed the suggestion of promoting AE 's growth .


  7. Other global corporations such as Bechtel , Eli Lilly ( LLY ), and Pfizer ( PFE ) have experienced this ground-up push .


  8. A macromolecule believed to be receptor that specifica - lly bind 1,25 - ( OH ) _2-D_3 has been found in the cell showing nuclear local - ization and in a number of tumor and cancer cells .


  9. Crossing the penetrating research region with life science mut ua lly at modern information science , artificial immune system ( AIS ) that inspired by biological immune system is a hot point after brain nervous system ( nerual n etwork ) and genetic system ( evolve calculation ) .
