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  • 网络抽象通信服务接口;美国顾客满意度指数;美国客户满意度指数;美国顾客满意指数;美国消费者满意度指数
  1. Based on ACSI and its application to public organizations , this paper offers a design of public satisfaction test model and index system which is appropriate for public organizations in our country .


  2. Study of CVAS Customer Satisfactory Model and Influence Factors Based on ACSI


  3. Realization of ACSI model based on IEC 61850


  4. To progressively establish applicable evaluation method of Customer Satisfaction for Wuhan Steel Corporation by studying ACSI


  5. There embodies many new customer satisfaction ideas and advanced evaluation measures in America Customer Satisfaction Index ( ACSI ) .


  6. Based on the model of American Customer Satisfaction Index ( ACSI ), this paper expounds the methods for evaluating the reader satisfaction .


  7. America Customer Satisfaction Index ( ACSI ) should be used for good reference to establish China Customer Satisfaction Index ( CCSI ) .


  8. IEC 61850 adopts the network-independent abstract communication service interface ( ACSI ) to define multilayer nested model abstract data structure .


  9. Then according to the characteristics of the health services career , based on the ACSI model and PLS model method to build the Hospital Customer Satisfaction Degree Index Model .


  10. A sample used for ACSI has been used to generate simulated data in order to compare the performance of GME with that of PLS .


  11. Compared to some models established by domestic experts , this one reservers the variable & Customer ( students ) Complaints in the ACSI .


  12. Compared to the ACSI , this model add a potential exogenous variable & school image , for the school image has a direct influence on the students satisfaction .


  13. The authors introduced its practice history and future development . Taking American Customer Satisfaction Index ( ACSI ) as a typical example , they analyzed its theoretical foundation and framework system .


  14. This paper proposes a new CSI model based on the analysis of SCSB , ACSI and ECSI for further discnssion .


  15. Secondly taking American Customer Satisfaction Index ( ACSI ) model for reference , investor satisfaction index model is designed based on the analysis of investor behavior features and factors of investment environment .


  16. ACSI offers a wide range of products from simple gravity conveyors up to and including large , complex distribution systems , with high speed sortation equipment and controlling devices .


  17. On the basis of it , we introduce customer life cycle as a new variable into the original ACSI model , improve the measure variable of customer loyalty , and finally build a modified ACSI model .


  18. On the basis of understanding the architectures , information models and service models of the two standards , the mapping relations between ACSI and MMS has been researched deeply and several mapping rules have been presented .


  19. Based on the evaluation system , this article establishes evaluation model of urban rail transit service quality . By Comparing with American Customer Satisfaction Index ( ACSI ) model , it analyzes the characteristics and superiority of the model comprehensively .


  20. Another feature of this index system is that it uses the ACSI Methodology for reference , test the scores both on the two dimensions & the importance and the satisfaction . And then calculate the differences between them .


  21. Academicresearch has shown that the national ACSI score is a strong predictorof Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) growth , and an even stronger predictorof Personal Consumption Expenditure ( PCE ) growth .


  22. ACSI ( Abstract Communication Service Interface ) is independent of the underlying communication systems , and be independent of the approaches to implement the cooperation , and be independent of the descriptions of the abstract service process and data class .
