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  • 网络无细胞百白破疫苗;吸附无细胞百白破联合疫苗;无细胞百白破三联疫苗;阿戴普科技;视场角自适应功能
  1. In comparison with the traditional method , visual odometry enhances the robot navigation accuracy and is better able to adpt to changing conditons .


  2. In order to adpt to the new financing environment and the challenge of economic globalization , enterprises should upgrade the financial management idea , promote the financial administrative structure allround .


  3. The 21st century is a brand-new century . As the library profession , how to adpt the new situation and how to meet the opportunity are very important .


  4. Internet Communication fundamentally changed the way the mass media . Require the dissemination of information theory , make appropriate adjustments to adpt to new changes , some theoretical assumptions to be broader in thinking to adapt to new media to create a network of Communication Theory .
