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  • 网络去广告插件
  1. If this is the problem , add your blog to Adblock 's white list .


  2. If the popup menu doesn 't show up , check whether the extension " Adblock "( if installed ) is the source for the problem .


  3. In judging which ads are " acceptable " and which are not , Eyeo must tread a fine line to avoid upsetting Adblock Plus users .


  4. Adblock Plus has become one of the most popular free extensions on Chrome and Firefox browsers in recent years as internet users have attempted to eliminate the interruption of advertising .


  5. For years , there was little publishers could do about people using programs such as Adblock Plus and uBlock Origin , which are free to download and highly effective at eliminating ads from web pages .


  6. Those who disagree with its decisions have the option of blocking all ads including those on the whitelist , or defecting to rival software such as Adblock Edge .


  7. Google , Amazon , Microsoft and Taboola have quietly paid the German start-up behind Adblock Plus , the world 's most popular software for blocking online advertising , to stop blocking ads on their sites .


  8. The pattern here is ironic : PageFair , AdBlock Plus and Ghostery , which all depend to some extent on consumers " interest in blocking ads , are also all pushing innovative efforts to create better ads.


  9. The New York Times found in its March experiment that more than 40 per cent of adblock users agreed to " whitelist " the website - thereby allowing ads to appear on their screens - so they could see the content .
