- n.英国皇家建筑师协会;英国皇家建筑协会;重组免疫印迹试验;重组免疫印迹法;英国建筑师协会

The president of the RIBA , Ben Derbyshire , has called it a profound expression of confidence in British architecture .
The riba 's dynamic interactive strategy in education : interview with President Paul hyett England
Diagnostic value of RIBA and RIA 2 in detection of anti HCV in chronic hepatitis C
Now the methods aiming at HCV antibody detection include three kinds : EIA , RIBA and MAP .
The effects of promoter replacement and the amplification of ribA on riboflavin biosynthesis were studied .
The positive samples were submitted to RIBA confirmation and RT-HCV RNA PCR assay .
HCV recombinant immunoblot assay ( RIBA ) and HCV RNA testing are used to confirm the diagnosis of HCV infection .
The project has been the subject of numerous architectural awards including the Royal Institute of British Architects National Award for Architecture and the RIBA Sustainability Award .
Dunhuang The murals , painted at the time workers are civil , the next thing people riba , and now , the literati say it is vulgar ?
The anti-HCV positive sera from these six babies were tested by recombinant immunoblot assay ( RIBA ) and shown to be positive in 4 cases and indeterminate in 2 cases .
It was found that : 1 . prevalence of anti-HCV was 1.20 % and that of virusemia was 0.80 % as confirmed by RIBA ;
The effects of ribA amplification on riboflavin biosynthesis of strain B . subtilis RH13 、 B. subtilis PK and B. subtilis PK / pXJ96 showed that the expression of ribA gene was the limit factor for riboflavin over production in the strain with lower riboflavin operon expression level .