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  • abbr.量子阱;快速失重(Quick Weight Loss)
  1. An Empirical Study on Relationship between Enterprise Performance and Knowledge Workers ' QWL


  2. Therefore , this research proposes the concept of QWL of organization .


  3. Research on the Relationship between QWL and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Professional Manager


  4. The research on the relationship between QWL and organizational commitment is rare .


  5. The research confirms the QWL evaluation indicator system , using the literature frequency statistics method . 3 .


  6. Many theories and practices in developed countries have validated the influence that QWL have on human resource management .


  7. The research makes the QWL evaluation indicator system into an evaluation table and analyses the survey through fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method .


  8. These researches are mostly studying the content of QWL from the individual angle or individual and work .


  9. The research explores the new definition of the QWL of knowledge worker in the knowledge economic times . 2 .


  10. Besides , there are other scholars start from the content and structure of QWL , obtaining different results from case studies .


  11. The core hypothesis is that there is a distinct positive correlation between QWL and job performance of knowledge workers .


  12. Because discussion of definition of QWL involves position and interest , there is no final result that is widely accepted .


  13. According to the result of this study shows that Quality of Work Life ( QWL ) influence to Job Satisfaction is greater than Work values do .


  14. Improving the level of organizational QWL will help the organization to develop healthily and the employee to get more pay and job security .


  15. The QWL in these three levels are pulled by their targets , spirals up through conflict and fusion .


  16. The movement of QWL is the necessary results of the developed countries ' human management theories and practice development . It has important warning sense to our countries human management of enterprises .


  17. Employee QWL includes four dimensions : physical and psychological health , work meaning , employee respect and social status . Secondly , senior employees have the higher tacit understanding with the organization .


  18. This study examines the Relationship between the QWL and Employee Creativity of IT Workers , aimed at using empirical methods to study IT business relationship between the quality of life and creativity of their staff .


  19. The research makes the system into an evaluation table to apply in a company to check the validate it , using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method , and get the status of the QWL of this company .


  20. With the progress of the society and the consciousness of employees , higher demand is requested in the organization . In recent years , QWL ( Quality of Working Life ) obtain more attention in human resources management .


  21. The QWL for the organization is a process that allows the organization at all levels of the members of the organizations actively involved in creating the environment , shape the pattern of organization , the organization produced results .


  22. Based on lots of relevant literatures , the author bring forward the hypothesis of this research and work out the questionnaire , named " the relevant relations of the organizational QWL and knowledge workers ' QWL " .


  23. And IT employees are a kind of the knowledge workers ; therefore the study finds that IT staff QWL includes task dimension , Organization dimension and psycho-social dimension of the environment . Employees ' creativity research started relatively late .


  24. At the same time , as a separate " individual ", organizations has its own demand on QWL . Organizations has the same desire to higher efficiency and benefit , more good organizational culture and image to win in such fierce competed market .
