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  • 网络定量PCR;定量多聚酶链反应
  1. Selection of Control Genes in Real-time qPCR Analysis of Gene Expression in Sugarcane


  2. Validation of array results was carried out by real-time quantitative PCR ( QPCR ) .


  3. Meanwhile , both of the two real-time QPCR have the quantitative function compared with the conventional PCR .


  4. The mRNA levels for target gene were quantified by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction ( qPCR ) .


  5. QPCR is more widely used for its multiple advantages of accuracy , sensitivity , reproducibility , and high throughput .


  6. Therefore , this study will provide some more reliable reference gene combinations for qPCR of gene expression studies in pig tissues and skeletal muscle development .


  7. Select the part of the virulence genes to investigate in order to verify the reliability of the microarray data by realtime qPCR .


  8. By means of qPCR and Western Blot , we validated its mRNA and protein expression level amongst a list of breast cancer cell lines .


  9. In B. mori , joining exogenous genes to normalize the qPCR data is the suitable method in induction experiments to test the expression of genes .


  10. QPCR could be used to determine the copy numbers of KIR gene , and it was a helpful supplementary tool for certain KIR haplotype analysis .


  11. QPCR assay was applied to detect the expression levels of miR-26 in the myocardial tissue and plasma in TAAC rats . 3 .


  12. This article also proved that Hvl was expressed in HCC by real - time qPCR and immunohistochemical . We look forward to discovering the new target genes of cancer clinical diagnosis .


  13. Methods : The content of serum HBV DNA was assayed in 350 patients with HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B through quantitative polymerase chain reaction ( QPCR ) based on immunofluorescence .


  14. Second , the standard method used QPCR compared three different DNA extraction methods , the overall performance and price options that can be applied to the detection kit for practice , for the next step of the experimental operation .


  15. This research take the Bombyx mori as the object of study , through the current real-time quantitative PCR study of silkworm commonly used endogenous reference gene analysis , and compare with the dual-spike-in qPCR method .


  16. Objective : To detect and analyze the effects of medical intervention for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease ( NAFLD ) using reverse transcription ( RT ) and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction ( real-time qPCR ) .


  17. Finally , loop-mediated isothermal amplification method cf QPCR standard methods , the specificity and sensitivity experiments , was screened for two endogenous genes , 4 ring detection of exogenous gene mediated isothermal amplification primers .


  18. This paper focused on two topics in skeletal muscle development : the miR-148a function and its molecular mechanism in skeletal muscle development ; the selection of reference genes for the normalization of qPCR gene expression in porcine skeletal muscle at different development stages .


  19. Real-time quantitative PCR ( qPCR ) is a new type of nucleic acid quantitative technique which developed on the basis of traditional PCR technique , it is widely used in gene expression analysis with advantages of high sensitivity , specificity , rapidity , quantification and accurately .


  20. The total RNA of adipose tissue was extracted and reversely translated into cDNA . The relative level of tumor necrosis factor α ( TNF - α) mRNA was detected in the real-time qPCR . The data difference between two groups was analyzed by t-test .


  21. Real-time quantitative PCR ( qPCR ) analysis carried out on mRNAs from leaves at different time points post-inoculation with two fungal pathogens ( Peronospora parasitica and Alternaria brassicicola ) and two signal transduction chemicals , salicylic acid ( SA ) and methyl jasmonate ( MeJA ) .
