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  1. The Research of Position Detecting and Speed Measuring of Motor Based on DSP / QEP Circuit


  2. The catalytic reduction desulfuration on cobalt oxide was investigated using UBI QEP method .


  3. As a result , the interface card can generate high - precision pulse signals and can be used in detection of quadrature encoder pulse ( QEP ) signal .


  4. In this context , America , Japan and Europe implemented the Quantitative Easing Policy ( QEP ) in succession intending to stimulate demand , revive the economy and prevent a recession .


  5. By applying the projection techniques , we derive two block second-order Krylov subspace methods . These methods are applied to the QEP directly . Hence they preserve essential structures and properties of the QEP .


  6. We also have completed its circuit diagram . We developed the software of 2407A which included the configuring of the system , exterior interrupt , counting of the Quadrature Encoder Pulse ( QEP ) signal and serial communication etc.


  7. In the second section , this paper outlines the definition of the QEP and its theoretical roots , then details the four ways it operates and its six mechanisms , and finally seriously analyzes the differences between it and the traditional easing monetary policy .


  8. The main research outcomes are as follows : 1 . Based on the research of evolutionary algorithms , a quantum-inspired evolutionary programming is proposed and simulations show that QEP is better than conventional EP , because of its rapid convergence and global search capability .
