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  1. Tell him to pick you up at " Quai Henri Quatre . "


  2. Shutters and balconies on building on Quai Frederic Mistral .


  3. The global convergence on two new switching methods in Broyden quai & Newton algorithms


  4. Tell him to pick you up at Quai Henri Quatre .


  5. The essential oil in dong quai contains Ligustilide , butylphthalide , Ferulic acid and various polysaccharides are also present .


  6. An active structure containing InGaAs compressive wells and tensile quai bulk layers is adopted to fabricate broadband polarization insensitive semiconductor optical amplifier .


  7. Opposite the Quai de la Greve , young men armed with muskets installed themselves in the houses of some women for the purpose of firing .


  8. The Mus é e du Quai Branly will be open to researchers from all over the world and will also carry out field operations to safeguard and preserve cultural heritage .


  9. La Liste will be unveiled formally by Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius at a ceremony honoring many of the chefs at the Quai d'Orsay on Dec. 17 .


  10. She lived on the Quai des Celestins , at the corner of this ancient street of the Petit-Musc which afforded her the opportunity of changing her evil repute into good odor .


  11. Plants that are said to improve oxygen flow such as dong quai , dandelion or yellow dock may also help , as could Vitamins E and D.Your doctor may be able to help you here , too , and be sure to consult them before use .


  12. The Quai Branly museum may be just six years old , but it is in its way old-fashioned , a throwback to a less timorous time when museums were proud to display human scalps and heads shrunken by Amazon tribes ( pictured ) .


  13. Nearby , someone had spray-painted " Ne nous cultivez plus , on s'en charge , " or " Don 't educate us anymore , we 'll take care of it , " on a cement quai , where a yacht named for the writer Andr é Malraux was docked .
