PlayStation VR

HTC 's Vive and Sony 's Playstation VR ( formerly Morpheus ) will likely appear a few months after that .
Mr House says that advance orders for PlayStation VR had been very , very positive . . . I think uptake of the product is going to be very good indeed .
Its PlayStation VR doesn 't require a tricked-out PC or expensive phone - it works with the Playstation 4 console and comes with a few great games in its library .
Following the Oculus Rift 's release in March , Google launched its Daydream View headset this week and Sony 's PlayStation VR goes on sale next Thursday , timed for the holiday season .
We still don 't know the price or detailed launch dates for products like the Oculus Rift , Sony PlayStation VR or HTC Vive , all of which are focused on high-end VR games and videos .
Those delays are now resolved , but they mean that the Oculus Rift may be outsold by both PlayStation VR and HTC 's Vive this year , according to IHS Markit , a research group .
Sony is pitching its $ 400 PlayStation VR , which works with more than 40m PlayStation 4 consoles , somewhere in between those low-cost mobile headsets and the $ 600 Rift , which also requires a PC costing several hundred dollars .