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  • abbr.海军油料库(Naval Fuel Depot);纽芬兰跟踪站;节点故障诊断(Nodal Fault Diagnostics)
  1. The Blood Pressure and Neurological Function Defect Scale ( NFD ) in Patients of Acute Cerebral Infarction


  2. Release of NFD from microspheres is sustained . The sustained release time lasted for 50 hours .


  3. If the text is already in normalized form NFD or NFKD , then you can set this attribute to off to improve performance .


  4. The study on the antiulcer mechanism of NFD demonstrated that NFD reduced the volume of gastric liquid , gastric acid secretion and pepsin activity .


  5. The advantage of the proposed system is that the NFD Agent can simultaneously diagnosis the network fault and dynamically monitor the networks ' the running status in 2-dimensional visualization .


  6. Duringthe same year , the Kenyan army fought the Shifta War against ethnicSomalis determined to see the NFD join with the Republic of Somalia .


  7. The easily extensible share test problem database established by NFD TMIS is not only convenient and flexible to do internet training and self-test , but also can realize computer network management for the full set of examination flow .


  8. After the endogenous losses of Leu were determined by SIIL method , other AAs ' endogenous losses could be got with NFD model , then calculated the apparent and true digestibility of AA and CP in various diets .


  9. A new method , which can be used in constructing pattern matching automaton for intrusion ( detection ) system is proposed in this paper . The key point of this method is the equivalence of NFA and DFA , the convenience of constructing NFD , and efficiency of DFA .


  10. Each network has a Network Fault Symptom Collection Agent ( NFSC Agent ), which collects and preprocesses the network fault symptom information . The collected and preprocessed network fault symptom information will then be sent to the Network Fault Diagnosis Agent ( NFD Agent ) for diagnosis and visualization .


  11. The average of apparent amino acid digestibility were 71.61 % and 73.60 % respectively , of true amino acid digestibility of expanded rapeseed and brewer 's grains ( dried ) determinated by the NFD method were as fellows : 73.55 % and 78.46 % , respectively .
