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  • 网络沃尔克;大众;人民;民族;沃克;福科光学
  1. Volk put a stronger spring in the contraption , combined materials to make a better triggering bead , and made sure it would not melt until the bird came within a half-degree of82 degrees .


  2. The word ' volk ' translates literally as ' folk '


  3. We also own the bronze life mask of Lincoln cast by Leonard Volk .


  4. Volk says the Russian housing market is at a beginning stage , and living conditions differ sharply in various regions of the country .


  5. Study author Stefan Volk told the Sydney Morning Herald that making work flexible to each person 's body clock would be more efficient .


  6. But Yevgeny Volk says Kremlin talk of diversification and mobility amounts to sloganeering .


  7. Yevgeny Volk , manager of the Heritage Foundation in Russia , says the probe has less to do with ecology and more to do with economics .


  8. iPhone 7 Plus early prototype ( left ) and matching Feld and Volk render ( right ) tie in perfectly with Jimmy Lin 's photo .


  9. Newspapers mocked him with punning headlines , such as " O volk ! Terre'Blanche is back again . "


  10. His ideology , stripped to its essentials , was that blacks were not only inferior but also a mortal threat to the Afrikaner volk .


  11. Economic expert Yevgeny Volk , director of the Heritage Foundation in Moscow , told VOA the Kremlin proposals are motivated in part by a desire to reduce U.S. global economic influence .


  12. Today 's Kremlin rulers , says Volk , want to reinforce their superpower ambitions in the political arena , and the economic aspect involves showing that the ruble is capable of an international role , which would simultaneously demonstrate that Russia is a great nation .
