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  • 网络疫苗相关麻痹;脊灰疫苗相关病例;疫苗相关病例;疫苗相关麻痹型脊髓灰质炎;疫苗相关麻痹型脊灰
  1. The virus type of VAPP was mainly type ⅲ, next the type ⅱ .


  2. VAPP mostly occurred in children 1 year old after one dose of OPV vaccine .


  3. AFP surveillance and VAPP cases investigation should be strengthened to keep polio-free state in Fujian .


  4. Objective To explore the situation of vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis ( VAPP ) in Shandong province .


  5. For realizing a polio-free country , VAPP is not to be neglected .


  6. Methods Eighty one suspected VAPP cases reported by acute flaccid paralysis surveillance system were analyzed on the stage of polio-free from 1993 to 2000 in Shandong province .


  7. [ Objective ] To discuss the association of oral polio vaccine ( OPV ) and vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis ( VAPP ) .


  8. During 1980 ~ 1998 , there were 9 cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis ( VAPP ) found in Shanghai .


  9. The parallel algorithm is implemented on the Virtual Asynchronous Parallel Platform ( VAPP ) and the correctness is testified by the comparison of the simulation result of New England 10-generator 39-bus systems with a verified transient stability simulation program TSSP .


  10. In various regions of the world , VAPP incidence showed great difference . It was 1 / 2,500,000 ( number of vaccine handed out ) in America , 1 / 1,400,000 in England and 1.7 / 1,000,000,0.52 / 1,000,000 in Beijing and Shanghai of China respectively .


  11. Methods We analyzed the epidemiological character of acute flaccid paralysis ( AFP ) cases with isolation of polio vaccine related virus strains and the occurrence of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis ( VAPP ) in the polio free phase in the past years .


  12. After realizing the goal of polio-free , there shall be no circulation of indigenous wild poliovirus , but still requires a high coverage rate of oral polio vaccine ( OPV ), OPV may induce virus associated paralytic poliomyelitis ( VAPP ) in few vaccinees and their contacts .
