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  • 网络文件;丁丙诺啡;布比卡因;后备盘;丁丙诺非
  1. Method : Abstinence syndrome of morphine dependent rats and the treatment effect of Bup were observed .


  2. The top one defines the Basic Unified Process ( BUP ), which is an agile lightweight adaptation of RUP .


  3. BUP uses the four RUP phases Inception , Elaboration , Construction , and Transition and defines iterations for them .


  4. Objective To explore the protective effect of the protective earplug and barrel on auditory organs of guinea pig exposing to experimental blast underpressure ( BUP ) .


  5. Conclusion the results suggest that exposure to BUP can lead to visible pathlological changes of the cochlear out hair cell nuclei that may be one of main causes of hearing loss .


  6. The results showed that the solubility of BUP in water and pH7.4 PBS at 37 ℃ was 176.56 μ g / mL and 697.81 ug / mL , respectively ;


  7. Bup , bup ! Wilhelmina Slater 's office . Uh , y. .. uh , hold on just a minute .


  8. A 10-day course of treatment was instituted with different doses of buprenorphine hydrochloride ( Bup ) by gradual reduction in 73 patients in three groups respectively with mild , moderate and severe heroin addiction .


  9. Objective : To investigate the effects of exposure to blast underpressure ( BUP ) on intracellular free Ca ~ ( 2 + ) concentrations ( [ Ca ~ ( 2 + ) ] I ) in outer hair cells ( OHCs ) .
