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  1. Even without understanding MSIL , you can clearly see what is going on here .


  2. It can generate binary code , but it can also write MSIL assemblies .


  3. The optimizations done on MSIL code are a large subset of those done on unmanaged code .


  4. The end result is generating MSIL bytecode that runs on any platform , Windows , Linux , Max OS .


  5. NET Framework 's foundation : Common Language Runtime ( CLR ), MSIL ( Microsoft Intermediate Language ), and the core of the .


  6. One instruction sequence of MSIL might be very amenable to optimization , whereas another ( semantically equivalent ) sequence stifles optimization .


  7. With Visual C + + 2005 , the compiler can perform a large subset of the standard native code optimizations on MSIL code .


  8. The resulting source code then passes through the rest of the standard compiler phases producing MSIL byte-code with IKVM library references .


  9. Of course , you also need to consider the performance cost associated with Y.cpp being MSIL , and ensure that this is the right tradeoff for the application .


  10. During this compilation , code must pass a verification process that examines the MSIL and metadata to find out whether the code can be determined to be type safe .


  11. The JIT reads in the MSIL and begins to perform optimizations that are very sensitive to changes in the MSIL .


  12. This is apparent even in Visual C + + . NET2003 , which just began enabling the optimizations from the native compiler for MSIL code generation .


  13. Visual C + + . NET2003 is able to generate MSIL for templates on native types , but cannot use managed types as the parameterized type in the template .


  14. Through MSIL rewriting , Volta follows developer 's declarations to turn a single-tiered application into a multi-tiered application , generating boilerplate code for communication and serialization .


  15. The second part involves the MSIL being fed to the just-in-time ( JIT ) compiler or NGEN , which reads the MSIL and then generates optimized native machine code .


  16. Whether the code generated by the Visual C + + compiler is MSIL or unmanaged code , the optimizer that generates the code is the same one that has been developed and tuned for over a decade .
