Design of a Lagre Area Array CMOS APS Camera System
Asiha gold deposit is hosted in granite diorite-diorite structure fracture zone , controlled by the Kunlun central lagre fault and NNE and NNW-NW trending fault zone in the mining area .
However , lagre customer marketing project management system is lack of corresponding theoretical study and practice accumulation , project management thoughts is not in the position , and the anticipated goal is not achieved , this paper will research on the system optimization .
The results demonstrated that the decrease of crystallization and melting temperatures was mainly caused by the substantial transesterification due to the lagre amount of OLA , resulting in the copolyesters with short sequence length of ethylene terephthalate segment .
Coilia ectenes belongs to Clupeiformes 、 Engraulidae 、 Coilia Gray , an important economic anadromous fish , which has large distribution in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River or inshore land , a lagre proportion in local total yield .