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  • 网络基尔;韩国能源技术研究院;研究院;能源研究所;韩国能源研究院
  1. Production Practice of Peroxide Bleaching One Bath Process in a Large Voluminous Kier


  2. Kier boiling is essentially a batch process .


  3. The kier is loaded with cloth in rope form and the scouring chemicals are pumped through the cloth .


  4. Based on the molecular topological theory , Kier 's shape index ( ~ ( m ) K ) of 18 substituted phenols are calculated in this paper .


  5. Secondly , the packing density of wound yarn with different count should be adjusted according to the lift of main pump on dyeing kier , the flow of liquid and the pressure applied .


  6. In the 1850 's Samuel M. Kier , a manufacturer in western Pennsylvania , began collecting the oil from local seepages and refining it into kerosene .


  7. In the 1850 " s Samuel M. Kier , a manufacturer in western Pennsylvania , began collecting the oil from local seepages and refining it into kerosene .


  8. " There is also little known about the biodiversity that exists in large parts of Pakistan , Afghanistan , Iran , the north of China and , surprisingly , even Japan ," adds Kier .


  9. A process for dyeing and finishing ramie / cotton blend towel was set forward as : kier boiling in one bath , treatment with polishing enzyme , dyeing with reactive dyes and finally softening finishing .


  10. Based on the chemical topological theory , Kier 's molecular connectivity index ( mXvp ) and Hall 's electro-topological state index ( En ) of 28 alkyl ( 1-phenylsulfonyl ) cycloalkane carboxylate molecules are calculated in this paper .


  11. Late last year , for example , Kier Global , a family office based in New York , began circulating a hedge fund LP [ limited partner ] statement of principles in an effort to forge a consensus among private investors on liquidity and fee provisions .
