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  1. Comparisons between simple indel coding and other gap coding methods


  2. Validation and Detection System of Two InDel Markers for Sugarcane Mosaic Virus Resistance in Maize


  3. Simple indel coding plays a different role on the phylogenetic results when percentage of gaps is different .


  4. Association of a 57 bp Indel in Chicken PIT-1 Gene with Growth and Carcass Traits


  5. The frequency of Indel occurring in noncoding regions were eight times higher than that occurring in coding regions .


  6. Forty seven markers were designed in this research . Twenty four InDel markers and 14 SNP markers have polymorphism .


  7. We also found lots of insertion and deletion ( INDEL ) and microsatellites in schistosome genes .


  8. Forty InDel markers were used to analyze the population structure based on math model by STRUCTURE software . The result indicated that there were four sub-populations in this population .


  9. In this paper , we introduced a new gap coding method-simple indel coding and we compared it with coding gaps as missing data and the fifth character .


  10. Indel and reality clash


  11. The results indicated that of the 45 InDel primer pairs , 41 can accurately identify Indica or Japonica rice varieties with the reliability over 80 % .


  12. In this study Insertion / Deletion molecular markers ( InDel ) was first used in indica-japonica genetic differentiation of cultivated rice and identification of the degree of indica-japonica differentiation .


  13. The linkage map comprised of 104 SSR and 3 Indel markers and covered 1409.9 cM of the rice genome with an average marker interval of 13.2 cM .


  14. The results show that , the SNP frequencies of ESTs associated with these processes display diverse differential patterns , and their InDel frequencies are all similar to the overall ESTs .


  15. Among these polymorphic sites , 80 sites were in noncoding regions , including 38 SNP and 42 Indel , counting for 4.4 times of polymorphic sites of coding regions .


  16. The detailed analysis of indel events occurred in each strain revealed that distributions of indel events were consistent with SNPs-based phylogenetic analysis and suggested that indels were related to the source of isolates .
