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  • abbr.直升机控制分队(Helicopter Control Element);凹阴极效果(Hollow-Cathode Effect);人为误差;人为错误(Human Caused Error)
  1. Load Monitoring Based on Mobile Agents in HCE


  2. Treatment of HCE Regimen for Refractory Non - Small Cell Lung Cancer A Report of 156 Cases


  3. HCE : A Hypermedia Cooperating Environment for Distributed Cooperating Application


  4. Genistein suppresses growth stimulatory effect of growth factors in HCE 16 / 3 cells


  5. Analysis of k-ras point mutation in human colorectal cancer cell lines HR 8348 and HCe 8693


  6. The hot carrier effects ( HCE ) in deep sub - micron devices has been studied .


  7. Objective To explore ultrasonic judgment in the activity of hepatic cystic echinococcosis ( HCE ) .


  8. These methods are validated with reliability simulation software and are useful for improving the HCE performance of CMOS digital integrate circuit .


  9. The impact of aging on health care expenditure ( HCE ) has been at the center of a prolonged debate .


  10. HCE : A Hierarchical Circuit Extractor For VLSI


  11. Objective To evaluate the expression of IL 1 β in human corneal epithelial cells ( HCE ) in response to hyperosmotic stress .


  12. In heterogeneous computing environment ( HCE ), it is essential to know the variation of load on each node in order to achieve load balancing .


  13. Results : The HCE seropositive and prevalence was 25.28 % , 1.52 % in Xinyuan county .


  14. Objective : To analyze and approach the impacted factors of gallbladder complications of patients with the recurrence of hepatic cyst echinococcosis ( HCE ) .


  15. The findings are as follows : Income elasticity of health care expenditure is about unity after GDP and HCE adjusted by price deflator ;


  16. The hot carrier effects ( HCE ) in MOSFET are studied in this paper . Based on MOSFET lifetime model of direct current , we present MOSFET lifetime model of dynamic stress .


  17. Firstly , the thesis discusses some small size effects , such as short-channel and narrow-channel effects for threshold voltage , punchthrough effect and hot carrier effect ( HCE ), etc.


  18. Methods : The effect of sex hormones on growth and viral gene expression of HCE 16 / 3 cells were studied using - thymidine incorporation , soft agarose assay and Northern blot blot analysis .


  19. CONCLUSION : The purified associated antigen binding to mAb CYL 2 was obtained from the colorectal cancer cell line Hce 8693 through immuno affinity chromatography with mAb CYL 2 .


  20. Failure mechanisms , such as hot-carrier effect ( HCE ), dielectric breakdown , electro-static discharge ( ESD ) and electromigration , pose serious threat to the long-term reliability of VLSI circuits .


  21. Objective The role of genistein in the effect of growth factors ( KGF and EGF ) on the growth of HPV 16 DNA immortalized human cervical epithelial cells ( HCE 16 / 3 cells ) was studied .


  22. Analyzes the relationships between LDD doping concentration , depth and device characteristics in detail . The device characteristics include channel field , subthreshold slop , etc. Reflects restraint of LDD structure to HCE , while keeping the substrate current as criterion .


  23. Logistic analysis of single factor showed the risk factors related with HCE were areas , genders , ages and ethic groups . The results of multi-factors logistic analysis indicated that areas , genders , ages , ethic groups and occupations were the risk factors related with HCE .


  24. Methods By means of magnetic separate enzyme technique of serozyme - ⅱ and its assorted reagent , the authors tested 6 types of reproductive hormone ( E 2 、 LH 、 FSA 、 HCE 、 T 、 PRL ), and evaluated the method as well .


  25. The mechanisms for catalytic reduction of hydrogen peroxide and dehalogenation of hexachloroethane ( HCE ) by myoglobin entrapped in Sodium Alginate hydrogel in aqueous-ethanol solvents mixtures were also explored . This modified electrode may be used in quantitative test of H_2O_2 and hexachloro ethane .


  26. In vitro cytotoxicity of total steroidal glycoside ( CG ) from the root of Cynanchum auriculatum Royle ex Wight was studied on Hce 8693 , PC 3 , Hela and PAA solid tumor cells by determining cell growth curve , MTT test , protein content assay and morphological observation .
