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  • 网络大急流城;重复性和再现性;大急流;再现性;量具重复性和再现性
  1. Paper will analyse the GRR layer function by limited state machine theory and divide different running state for each sub-layer .


  2. Same as ridge regression and partial Least-squares regression , GRR mainly applies to multicollinearity and is effective settlement for sample measure less than the number of independent variable .


  3. Horel and Kennard gave the generalized ridge regression ( GRR ) in 1970.It is a new multivariate analysis method . In recent years it has developed at theory and application rapidly .


  4. Finally , by GRR verify the test system to determine the stability and reliability . Finally , all the above work managed to increase the test speed as well as lower the test cost while ensuring the product yield and the test accuracy .


  5. Then , several polling schemes including PRR , ERR , GRR and DRR are compared . After simulating , we get a result which to be used to conclude that DRR has an excellent performance compared to the others .
