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  1. You may need to launch GParted in a different way , though .


  2. The easiest way to resize partitions in Linux is to use the GUI GParted program .


  3. Although GParted can 't directly create an LVM partition , you can do so with one of the following tools


  4. Implementing your changes in GParted


  5. Although you can run GParted from your regular Linux installation , it refuses to operate on any currently mounted partition .


  6. The GNOME Partition Editor ( also known as GParted ) is a GUI partitioning tool built atop libparted .


  7. Using your favorite partitioner ( fdisk , parted , gparted ), create a new partition for LVM usage .


  8. When the system boots , you see a desktop appear with icons for some common tools , including one called Partition Editor , which launches GParted .


  9. A few quirks of GNU Parted , GParted , and other libparted-using tools deserve mention .


  10. The process of resizing your partitions can also help familiarize you with GParted and other disk utilities , as well as with the optimum sizes for various partitions .


  11. After this disc is booted , you can run GParted much as you would from a regular system , using point-and-click operations to tell the software what you want it to do .


  12. The GNU Parted utility is an exception to this rule ; like its GUI cousin , GParted , Parted resizes partitions and their contained file systems simultaneously .


  13. If you enter a number of resizing and moving operations into GParted and the operation fails , you can try entering just one operation at a time and then immediately clicking the Apply button .


  14. GNU Parted and GParted look into the file system itself to identify the file system , but not all tools do this ( GPT fdisk doesn 't , for instance ) .


  15. Unfortunately , GParted doesn 't always present complete information , so you may want to supplement its displays with the output of the text-mode df , fdisk , or other utilities .


  16. This is a new feature with recent versions of GParted , and it enables you to align partitions to cylinders , to mebibyte ( MiB ) boundaries , or neither .
