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Low - dosa CWP also prolong PT , but the difference was not significant statistically .
The dosa is a small one , which is good , because it is very filling with all the potato inside .
Ollalila Naliti Dosa is a 22-year-old engineering student .
Dr Dosa first publicised Oscar 's gift in an article in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2007 .
On a particular day detailed by Dr. Dosa , Oscar settled onto the bed of a patient in room 313 .
Dr Dosa noted that the nursing home keeps five other cats , but none of the others have ever displayed a similar ability .
Comedy film star Rajendra Prasad presided over the rolling of the world 's largest dosa last August in Mumbai .
Do Lobha and Dosa bring you happiness ?
The strategy employ DOSA algorithm for sequential learning and multi-step prediction , and employ the proposed two-stage RBF-PLS algorithm to approximate and substitute the cost function minimization .
Dosa is professor of medicine at Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University , Rhode Island , and a geriatric consultant at the nursing home .
When a grandson asked why the cat was there , his mother explained : " He is here to help Grandma get to heaven ," according to Dosa 's account .
In his book , " Making rounds with Oscar : the extraordinary gift of an ordinary cat ", Dr Dosa offers no solid scientific explanation for Oscar 's behaviour .
Dosa says Oscar is an " aloof " cat who is not normally friendly towards people , he describes him as hissing at a patient when she walks past .
Christina Kim of LA-based label Dosa has been the pioneer of this beyond-the-catwalk idea , having both built a brand around it and made that brand commercially viable .
Dr. Dosa eventually wrote a book about his experiences with Oscar at the nursing home . It 's called ' Making rounds with Oscar : The extraordinary gift of an ordinary cat ' .
Dr Dosa and other staff are so confident in Oscar 's accuracy that they will alert family members when the cat jumps on to a bed and stretches out beside its occupant .
Comedy film star Rajendra Prasad presided over the rolling of the world 's largest dosa last August in Mumbai.With the help of 16 chefs , he prepared a 9.9 meter crepe in under 40 minutes 。
Far from recoiling from Oscar 's presence , now they know its significance , relatives and friends of patients have been comforted and sometimes praised the cat in newspaper death notices and eulogies , said Dr Dosa .
In his two years living in Steere 's end-stage ( 2 ) dementia ( 3 ) unit , Oscar has been at the bedside of more than 25 residents shortly before they died , according to Dr. David Dosa of Brown University in Providence .