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  • abbr.恒定线速度(Constant Linear Velocity);客户生命周期价值(Customer Lifetime Value)
  1. The analysis of CLV is the precondition of identifying customers and allocating resources properly .


  2. Based on the analysis of CLV model , the author set up an improved CLV model which will reflect the customer 's consumption behaviors more objectively , and will provide more accurate expectations .


  3. A Study of Improved CLV Model Based on Monte Carlo


  4. Study on Customer Classification Model Based on CPV and CLV


  5. Secondly , an expanded CLV model is presented based on the word-of-mouth .


  6. Customer segmentation based on CLV and customer satisfaction


  7. The key point of customer relationship management is how to quantify customer lifetime value ( CLV ) .


  8. Two-stage high precision spindle CLV control method for unrecorded CD-R


  9. Cannot perform this operation with CLV disc .


  10. Attracting and retaining the customers with the greatest CLV has become the cornerstone of enterprises development .


  11. Research on CLV Waterproof Coating


  12. The proposition of Customer Lifetime Value ( CLV ) and Customer Equity has further deepened the theoretical system of customer relationship management .


  13. At first , the paper illustrates the theory framework correlated with CLV , including CRM theory , customer lifecycle theory and customer value theory .


  14. Dynamic modeling of customer lifetime value ( CLV ) is the difficulty and hot-points on the research of customer relationship management in recent years .


  15. CLV can predict future margin of customer effectively , so the computation of CLV is an indispensable step in making right customer strategies .


  16. At last , the paper discusses the applications of CLV theory and model in customer relationship management and brings forward some relevant strategies to direct the CRM practice of Chinese enterprises .


  17. Through applying the model to the CRM system , it analyses the influence of switching probability upon CLV and obtains the customer development strategies for CRM system of the enterprise .


  18. Having a good prediction on customer ′ s buying behavior is the key to many studying sections , such as customer lifetime valuation ( CLV ) and customer defection management .


  19. In early POAG group , MS decreased and MD increased significantly ( P < 0.0001 ), and the changes of LV and CLV were similar comparing before and after wearing the blurring lens .


  20. Based on the five-stage theory of customer relationship development and the records of CRM system , this paper introduces the establishment of the Markov Process Model of customer relationship development and obtains the function of Customer Lifetime Value ( CLV ) .


  21. The operating method and features of ZCAV , CAV and CLV in optical disk drive are introduced . The pre-format patterns of magneto-optical disk in ISO and phase change optical disk in ZCAV method are detected .


  22. This paper is focus on the issue about the calculation of internet 's customer life_time value ( CLV ) . Firstly , the profit category of a given common model of CLV is analyzed and the portion of indirect value is identified .


  23. The author maintains that the CLV model is the core of customer management . The decision-makers of the enterprise should invest the limited resources on the most valued customers , and maintain and improve the value of these customers to gain long-term profit for the enterprise .


  24. On analyzing the methodology of customer value segmentation based on CLV ( Customer Lifetime Value ), this paper presents a new methodology of customer value segmentation based on CLV , which is simple and easy-operating , providing a new pathway for the research of customer value segmentation .


  25. Then a deep investigation on customer Lifetime Value ( CLV ) is processed quantitatively through building customer lifetime value model , subdividing customer value and customer costs and calculating the CLV of objective customers . Finally some analyses of CRM strategies are presented on the former basis .
