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  • 吸氧分数
  1. PaO2 / FiO2 and breathing rates are sensitive parameters for early detection of ARDS .


  2. PaO2 increased at 5-15 minutes after PS , then FiO2 and MAP decreased .


  3. Keep FiO2 ( within 60 % );


  4. In the survival group , PaO2 / FiO2 and PaO2 / PAO2 were increasing gradually in order in each period ;


  5. Group B also showed that all these lung mechanics were improved except unchanged PaO2 / FiO2 , whereas group A showed that the all above aggravated during the whole therapy .


  6. As compared with pre-treatment , the blood gas analysis after 6 hours were significantly improved beside PaO2 and PaO2 / FiO2 ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 );


  7. In Vt 25 group , the microscopic examination revealed mild lung injury , PaO2 / FiO2 decreased mildly but the lung injury standards were not met in this group .


  8. To determine the safety and gas changes of lungs during low flow nitrous oxide-oxygen anesthesia , FiO2 , gases of alveoli , inspired gases and blood gases were measured respectively .


  9. The organ bath for PA rings tension study was employed . Adult male Wistar rats were raised in hypoxic environment with fractional inspired oxygen ( FIO2 , 0.12 ) for 9 d.


  10. Alveolar PO2 ( PaO2 ), fraction of inspired oxygen ( FiO2 ), and mean airway pressure ( MAP ) were measured , and chest radiographs were taken , for each patient before and after treatment .


  11. The survival patients ' albumin , arterial oxygen pressure ( PO2 ) and oxygen index ( PO2 / FiO2 ) were higher than those of the death group , while the creatinine , urea nitrogen , blood lactate were significantly higher in the death group than the survival group .
