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  • n.克拉斯
  1. On the Period of a Claas of Polynomial over GF ( 2 ) A BRIEF DISCUSSION OF CYCLE


  2. Claas is among a raft of medium-sized , privately owned German manufacturers , known as the Mittelstand , grafting new technology on to manufacturing .


  3. At Claas , Mr Kriszun says the company 's 300 software engineers , out of a global workforce of more than 11000 , are its most important employees .


  4. As the chief executive of German agricultural equipment company Claas , Mr Kriszun is an expert on the huge machines , of which his company is one of the world 's biggest producers .


  5. Meanwhile some interested problems and policies in bus development , such as bus styling , research and design of low and medium claas buses application of CAD techniques , quality control and promotion of reliability , etc. , are also discussed .
