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  • 网络耶格尔;伊格;伊格尔;雅格尔
  1. Yeager made that supersonic flight back in 1947 .


  2. And Jeana Yeager held nine world flight records as a pilot .


  3. Yeager said his historic flight help give the U. S.A huge advantage in aviation advancement .


  4. Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier right here and the first space shuttles were built and landed here .


  5. On December fourteenth , Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager walked around the plane one more time .


  6. Cooper , who clearly suffered from delusion , lived in Yeager ( Arizona ) .


  7. Chuck Yeager broke the barrier when he flew faster than the speed of sound in a rocket plane named after his wife .


  8. Paul : Yes . Yeager 's going to be staying at my old house for a while . He 's doing a little work for me .


  9. Was it Chuck Yeager , Sally Ride , Neil Armstrong or Usain Bolt ?


  10. Yeager : Sometimes when people steal stuff ... They give it to another guy who sells it for ' em. Beth : Yes .


  11. But three people had lead parts in the event . Dick Rutan . Burt Rutan . And Jeana Yeager .


  12. ' We just re-direct their thinking , ' Dr. Yeager says . ' They make all the tough decisions and exhibit the grit and tenacity to succeed . '


  13. On Oct. 14 , 1947 Air Force test pilot Charles E. Yeager became the first person to break the sound barrier when he flew the experimental Bell X-1 rocket plane over Edwards Air Force Base in California .


  14. Shia LaBeouf is gone as Sam Witwicky , the Autobots " teen friend , and in his place is Mark Wahlberg as Cade Yeager , a Texas mechanic who buys an old truck that turns out to be Optimus Prime .


  15. The exercises take aim at students ' ' worries about whether they 're respected , whether their teachers think they 're dumb , whether they belong -- and precisely , briefly , without stigmatizing them or singling them out , give them messages that can remove those barriers , ' Dr. Yeager says .


  16. Drawing on decades of research , the interventions deliver ' persuasive yet stealthy ' psychological messages to neutralize crippling anxieties and doubts , according to a 2011 research review authored by David Scott Yeager , an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin , and Gregory Walton ,
