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  • 网络基于通信的列车控制系统;基于通信的列车控制;移动闭塞系统;列车控制;信号系统
  1. Through the former research of CBTC , it analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of CBTC and puts forward to a MAS system model based on AIS and GIS .


  2. Communication Based Train Control ( CBTC ) is the trend of the railway signaling .


  3. Safety-critical computer systems are key requirements of communications-based train control ( CBTC ) systems .


  4. Installation of CBTC has allowed a substantial increase in L train services .


  5. During this exam you must follow the CBTC safety procedures that are detailed in the manual .


  6. The signal indication schemes in the CBTC mode were expounded and the recommended scheme was presented through in-depth analysis and comparison .


  7. The Signalling System shall adopt Communications Based Train Control ( CBTC ) technology and support Unattended Train Operation ( UTO ) .


  8. In recent years , communication-based train control ( CBTC ) system has been proven to be a new development of the rail transit train operation control system .


  9. Hereinto , DSU is shorted for database storage unit . It is one subsystem of communication based train control ( CBTC ) system .


  10. Siemens and Thales were last year both awarded contracts to start installing CBTC on the Queens Boulevard Line .


  11. As to improve the train speed and line operational efficiency , Communication-Based Train Control system ( CBTC ) has been the main development tendency of urban rail transit .


  12. Communication Based Train Control ( CBTC ) can solve effectively many problems of the traditional train control system of track circuits , which is the main direction of future subway signal system .


  13. With the development of the society , CBTC ( Communication Based Train Control ), characterized by high speed and high density , has gradually become the first choice for signal system of urban mass transit .


  14. By using CBTC system , we can reduce the interval between trains , carry out more function , maximize the utilization of the rail transit infrastructure , and supply more safety .


  15. Based on the feature that different component types do not interact in such a way as to cause an accident , CBTC model has been decomposed into submodels to be analyzed respectively .


  16. The other is based on a cone degree , CBTC ; it increases the transmitting power continuously until there is at least one neighbor in any α - cone around each node .


  17. This all-day , all-night operation sets New York apart from other old metro systems such as London and Paris , which have made far more rapid progress in installing CBTC signalling .


  18. Yet they face the task not only of making the new communications-based train control ( CBTC ) system work with older technology but also of installing it on a network that operates round the clock .


  19. However , Mr Riddett also points out that CBTC installation on the Canarsie line took a painful seven years as the company struggled to adapt microprocessor-based technology for the first time to the subway .


  20. Communication Based Train Control ( CBTC ) system is the trend of urban rail transit in the future , which is used for transmitting information of train control and train state though bidirectional digital communication of wayside-train continuously .
