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美 [ˈæniəs]英 [i(ː)ˈniːæs]
  • 网络埃涅阿斯;勇士
  1. Aeneas perceived before him a spacious valley .


  2. Aeneas founds or helps to lay the foundations for four cities prior to his arrival in Latium .


  3. Aeneas : we have to capture the enemy quickly .


  4. Aeneas ," Peter said to him ," Jesus Christ heals you .


  5. Peter heals a bed ridden man called Aeneas .


  6. From this union was born Aeneas , the mythical ancestor of the Roman people .


  7. Aeneas and his fellow survivors go on a long and difficult journey that even involves going to the underworld .


  8. And there he found a certain man named Aeneas , which had kept his bed eight years , and was sick of the palsy .


  9. At last , after Mezentius had three times made the circuit , Aeneas threw his lance directly at the horse 's head .


  10. Aeneas lived in a town called Lydda which is near Joppa which is on the coast .


  11. There are certainly parallels between Zuckerberg and Aeneas .


  12. In what respects might Aeneas be more like Mark Anthony than Augustus and how does Vergil treat this resemblance ?


  13. I was like little Ascanius , who followed with unequal steps the heroic strides of Aeneas on his march toward mighty destinies .


  14. Later it was said that Aeneas got hold of it and carried it with him to his new land , where it was preserved together with the goddess ''fire .


  15. Aeneas , with his Etrurian allies , arrived on the scene of action in time to rescue his beleaguered camp .


  16. What are the name and location of each city , and why does Aeneas spend so much time founding cities for other people and not fulfilling his own destiny ?


  17. Turnus threw his lance , but it recoiled harmless from the shield of Aeneas .


  18. With her dying breath , Queen Dido pronounced a malediction on Aeneas and all his descendants .


  19. It is about a group of Trojan survivors , led by Aeneas , who leave the city of Troy after it is destroyed by the Greeks .


  20. Zuckerberg said that one thing that stuck with him was Aeneas 's drive to follow his fate to build a city that " knows no boundaries in time and greatness . "


  21. At length the final conflict took place between Aeneas and Turnus . Arsenal midfielder Gilberto Silva is mulling over an offer from Juventus .


  22. What is the significance of this blankness and what , by analogy , are the implications for understanding the elaborate shield of Aeneas in Book VIII ?


  23. This is actually a Latin epic poem , which talks about a Trojan named , Aeneas , how he traveled to Italy and became an ancestral Roman .


  24. Aeneas would have given him his life , but at the instant his eye fell on the belt of pallas , which Turnus had taken from the slaughtered youth .


  25. In spite of their hardships , Aeneas and the other Trojans carry on because it is their fate to build the most magnificent kingdom that the world has ever seen .


  26. It was said to have fallen from the sky and landed on the future site of Rome , with Aeneas hearing the words " with this , conquer " in his mind .


  27. Giulio Camillo indicated the mythological reference for this box : the Latin hero Aeneas , taking the golden bough to penetrate into the Ades .


  28. Aeneas , one of the Trojan princes , after narrowly escaping death at Troy , wandered from land to land for a long time and became , in the end , the founder of the Roman race .


  29. Said to be a gift from the gods ' smith Vulcan himself , it was originally the property of the Trojan prince Aeneas , who received it from his mother , the goddess Venus .
