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  1. Reach a conclusion that meet the technical index of the diameter is Φ 600mm reflector supporting structure .


  2. " Dimensions , shape and tolerances for cold-rolled steel strips with a width less than 600mm "


  3. Analysis of U ~ ( 238 ) Fission Rate Experiment on φ 600mm Depleted Uranium Sphere by D-T neutron


  4. Through miniaturization design of optical system and scanning system , the fiber absolute distance measurement interferometer is reduce to volume of 600mm × 250mm × 250mm .


  5. The paper introduces a large size vertically parted flaskless shoot & squeeze maulding machine with a moulding chamber of 1300 × 600mm .


  6. The wavelength-tuned anti-vibration technology for the Φ 600mm wavelength-tuned phase-shifting Fizeau interferometer is researched in this paper .


  7. An introduction is made to the uses , distinguishing features , main technical parameters and formation of a full hydraulic transmission electro-hydraulic cleaning equipment which has a working space of 2400x1600 × 600mm and a maximum charg - ing volume of 4t .


  8. Melted Extrusion Manufacturing ( MEM ) is an important technology of rapid prototyping . In order to form large_sized prototypes , Tsinghua University developed the new machine_MEM600 , which can form prototypes in the size of 500mm × 500mm × 600mm in high speed .
