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  1. The moisture content of the soil layer slightly changes under 60cm ;


  2. The concentration of soil radon changes little when sample 's depth is above 60cm ;


  3. Most roots were in 0 ~ 60cm soil layer .


  4. The total nitrogen and rapidly available nitrogen of city soil at the depth of 0 ~ 60cm soil layer was decreased .


  5. There was not apparent change of pH value within the depth of 0 ~ 60cm soil layer in the process of soil evolution .


  6. Compared reclaimed land after reclaimed 3 years with forest land , gully trough depth of shallow gully increases 40 ~ 60cm .


  7. Local grapes absorption root in vertical direction mainly distributed in 0 ~ 60cm soil inside , and the horizontal main distribution was within the lm width .


  8. The vertical distribution of soil root content is that root content ( 0 ~ 60cm ) comprises some 90 % of root content of total the profiles .


  9. Straw mulch can improve organic matter and available nutrient content of 0 ~ 60cm soil , in the same coverage period , the highest content of organic matter in the middle coverage .


  10. Soilwater changes frequently with severe range in0 ~ 80cm root zone , soil wet layer appear in40 ~ 60cm layer , its water mainly comes from shallow groundwater .


  11. The organic matter content in 0 ~ 60cm soil depth was 1.80g / kg ~ 15.81 g / kg , and the average was only 6.01g/kg .


  12. The results showed that the soil water had controlling effects on the Bowen Ratio . There was negative liner correlation between the Bowen Ratio and the Relative soil moisture content in 0 ~ 60cm .


  13. The root distribution of 1103P was deep and narrow , and the optimal fertilization pattern was 20 ~ 30cm fertilization depth and 40 ~ 60cm distance to trunk ;


  14. At forest edge of 0 ~ 60cm layer , the root length density takes 95.9 % in layer of 0 ~ 120cm , mostly in layer of 20 ~ 40cm .


  15. With the depth of soil increasing ( 0cm ~ 10cm , 10cm ~ 30cm and 30cm ~ 60cm ), the degree of salinization becomes less severe ;

    随土层深度增加(0cm ̄10cm、10cm ̄30cm、30cm ̄60cm),盐渍化程度逐渐减轻;

  16. Straw mulching reduced soil bulk density of 0 ~ 60cm soil layer , in the same amount of coverage , the soil bulk density was less different between the full coverage and Wheat growth stages coverage mode .


  17. The white clover soil water profile in 0 ~ 100cm can be divided into 2 layers , i.e. , active layer ( 0 ~ 60cm ), correspondingly sTab . layer ( 60-100 ) .


  18. The root system of P. pubescens has a greater effect on soil physical properties . As for the soil layer of o ~ 60cm , the total porosity is 71.7 % , final infiltration ratio 8.28mm/min .


  19. The treatment performance , for low concentration rural sewage , through constructed wetlands of different depths ( 60cm and 40cm ), was comparatively investigated by using pilot-scale apparatus in Lake Dian-chi area , Yunnan province , China .


  20. Compared with conventional tillage , the soil water could be improved by subsoiling and no-tillage during seedlings period of winter wheat , Subsoiling and no-tillage also advantage to winter wheat during wintering period in the depth of 0 ~ 60cm .


  21. The residual vanadium and nickel in the soil ( 60cm ) were more than 717g / m ~ 2 and 4216g / m ~ 2 respectively . Both of them accumulated mainly in the surface soil .


  22. This experiment was carried in a wheat field with different water treatments under sprinkling irrigation conditions . Soil samples were obtained from each point under four layers of 0 ~ 10cm , 10 ~ 20cm , 20 ~ 40cm and 40 ~ 60cm .


  23. For Singapore , the report says , the sea level is forecast to rise by 60cm by the end of the century , eroding coastal protection and decreasing the shoreline of the city state , making it more vulnerable to storm surges and flooding .


  24. The theme for this year 's annual Danish Cabinetmakers " autumn exhibition - held at the Oregaard Museum in Copenhagen in September and due to travel to Paris 's Maison du Danemark in January - was " petite , " the designs being a maximum size of 60cm by 60cm .
