
  1. “我们必须尽一点力!”长龙对其他龙说,黄龙点点头表示附和。

    " We must do something ," long Dragon said to the others , and Yellow Dragon nodded his head .

  2. 萨尔梅龙说:“这一姿势就像头脑的止血带。它清除了许多死亡的脑细胞。”

    It gives my brain a tourniquet effect . It clears out a lot of the dead brain cells , ' Mr. Salmeron says .

  3. 龙伯格说,特纳已经在去年4月份完全获得瑞士公民身份。

    Turner acquired a full Swiss passport last April , Rhomberg said .

  4. 上古之龙阿纳克洛斯说:我们必须赶快,不然一切都太晚了!

    Anachronos the Ancient says : We must act quickly or all will be lost !

  5. 龙战士说得对。

    The Dragon Warrior is correct .

  6. 上古之龙阿纳克洛斯说:时间之沙将会停止流动,但只有片刻时间!我会召唤屏障。

    Anachronos the Ancient says : The sands of time will halt , but only for a moment ! I will conjure the barrier .

  7. 羊毛合作伙伴的总裁伊恩伯克龙比说,该公司已经对这笔费用进行了充分的考虑。

    The CEO of Wool Partners , Iain Abercrombie , said the company had been approached to support the fee and given it due consideration .

  8. 龙女士说独生子女受到的压力对于一些学生来说可能难以承受,但也可能使另外一些学生更加刻苦用功。

    Ms. Long says the pressure that only children can feel might be too much for some students , but it might actually make others work harder .

  9. 该中心的金银龙研究员说,尽管中国的空气质量近年来得到了改善,但是城市的空气污染还是“十分严重”的。

    Jin Yinlong , an official with the centre , says that although the country 's air quality has recently improved , urban air pollution " remains serious " .

  10. 龙也说不清!或许龙该让位于美国鹰,俄国熊,应为他们在英文里没有吞云吐火的功能!

    Maybe , it is the very time for him to descend to American eagle , or Russian bear for the two do not have the function to fire in English mind .

  11. 在华夏民族漫长的文明史中,龙可以说是贯穿始终的。人们赋予这个想象的动物以各种神力,并将龙与皇权结合到了一起。

    In the national long history of civilization in China , the dragon can be said that throughout the People are giving this imaginary animal to the god , and the dragon and the imperial combines together .

  12. 一位来自挪威的72岁的游客英格•龙宁说:“我认为展会非常震撼人心。我想观看这一展览是因为我在年幼时经历过德国对挪威的占领,所以对我来说,这不仅仅是历史。”

    Inge Lonning , a 72-year-old tourist from Norway said : " I thought the exhibition was very impressive . I wanted to see it because I experienced the German occupation of Norway as a small child , so it 's not just history for me . "

  13. “只需要一个深呼吸,小蝙蝠,”树龙嘶嘶地说。

    " Just take a deep breath , Little Bat ," hissed Dragon .

  14. 娼女当堕为雀鸽与龙畏细虫二说之佛教渊源考论&文言小说与佛典原型研究二例

    Research on the Buddhist Origin of the Saying " Whores Should Be Degraded into Sparrows and Doves " and " Dragons Fearing Worms " & Two Examples of Research on Novels of Classical Style and Its Buddhist Prototype