
  1. 果若如此,当我打开电场时,鼠鱼也许就会自己转向。

    If that occurred , the ratfish might learn to turn around on its own when I flipped the switch only .

  2. 答案:鼠鱼是一类活泼、机灵的南美鲶鱼,因为嘴巴旁边长着可爱的“胡须”,看似水中游动的小老鼠而得名。

    The smart and active Corydoras Catfish derives its Chinese name " mice fish " from the whiskers found around its mouth .

  3. 我怀疑鼠鱼也有这些器官,但为了验证我的假设,我必须捕捉到一条活鱼,好好养到做完实验为止。

    I suspected that ratfish also possess these organs , but to confirm this conjecture , I needed to catch a ratfish unharmed and keep it alive long enough for experimentation .