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  • spade
  1. 你如果有黑桃牌,就必须打出来。

    You must play a spade if you have one .

  2. 扑克牌的四种花色分别叫红桃、梅花、方块和黑桃。

    The suits are called hearts , clubs , diamonds and spades .

  3. 他叫三个黑桃。

    He bid three spades .

  4. 南方打4个黑桃,西方一开始出红心K和A。

    South plays in four spade and West begins with king and ace of hearts .

  5. 我杀了他的K,扔给他最后一张牌:黑桃A。

    I killed his king and played him my final card , the ace of spades .

  6. 梦中的恶魔手中拿著黑桃K,象徵著我的诞生。

    The devil in the dream with a spade K in his hand symbolizes my come out .

  7. 看到扑克牌方片7和黑桃5时,我想到的是NBA的迈克尔·乔丹(MichaelJordan)

    When I see the seven of diamonds and the five of spades I think of Michael Jordan

  8. 他说,方片(diamond)和黑桃(spade)一起会产生一个“m”音。

    The diamond and the spade together create an ' m ' sound , he says .

  9. 看看牌面上黑桃的设计。英语SPADE这个字来自意大利语,意思是刀剑。

    Look at the design of the Spade on a card . The word " spade " comes from the Italian word which means " sword " .

  10. 我偷偷瞅了一眼钟,希望Charlotte离开的时间不会太久了,然后开始整理手上的扑克:黑桃皇后在红桃王上面;

    I sneaked a look at the clock , hoping it would soon be time for Charlotte to go , and began to stack up my cards : black queen on red king ;

  11. 结果:15例AHCM患者临床症状轻轻微或缺如,心脏体征无特异性,生化检查大致正常,全部病例冠状动脉造影正常,心室造影有5例左心室舒张末期呈黑桃样改变。

    Results : The clinical symptoms of 15 cases AHCM was little or absence , the physical sign of heart was no specificity , the biochemistry and coronary arteriongraphy results were basically normal , only 5 cases in ventriculography had the apical " spade " changes .

  12. 牌中的黑桃&铲子是士兵的剑。

    I konw the spades are the swords of a soldier .

  13. 多玩家黑桃王,双陆棋,红心大战,跳棋和翻转棋

    Multiplayer Spades , Backgammon , Hearts , Checkers , and Reversi

  14. 看看牌面上黑桃的设计。

    Look at the design of the Spade on a card .

  15. 抛掉你的小黑桃准备最后一搏。

    Get rid of your baby spade for the end play .

  16. 他在打第一墩时用王牌压黑桃,这很聪明。

    He 's smart to ruff a spade AT trick one .

  17. 它意味着红心、黑桃、红方块、或者梅花。

    It means Hearts , Spades , Diamonds or Clubs .

  18. 出黑桃可让明手将吃。

    A spade lead will allow a ruff in dummy .

  19. 我的搭档先出黑桃,使我感到吃惊。

    My partner surprised me by leading with a spade .

  20. 你可以在打第三墩牌时垫掉一张黑桃。

    You can discard a spade on the third trick .

  21. 高级花色黑桃中的一张扑克牌。

    A playing card in the major suit of spades .

  22. 我本来不该让他早期偷取一墩黑桃。

    I shouldn 't have let him steal an early spade trick .

  23. 威尔逊的黑桃里有一张是爱司。

    One of Wilson 's spades was an ace .

  24. 叫二黑桃、三无王等。

    Go two spades , three no trumps , etc.

  25. 四组纸牌是梅花、方块、红桃和黑桃。

    The four suits are clubs , diamonds , hearts , and spades .

  26. 他接下来的是一张黑桃。

    His next card fell , a spade .

  27. 卡西诺纸牌游戏的一种,每张黑桃都值一分。

    A form of casino in which spades have the value of one point .

  28. 在黑桃六那里押五美金。

    Five dollars on that six of spades .

  29. 她先出了8张黑桃。

    She led with the eight of spades .

  30. 只有出色的防守才能打宕四黑桃的定约。

    Only perfect defense could set four spades .