
hēi zǐ
  • sunspot;spot;black;black mole
黑子 [hēi zǐ]
  • [sunspot] 太阳光球上经常出没的暗黑斑点,是太阳活动的基本标志

黑子[hēi zǐ]
  1. 基于小波消噪与BP神经网络的太阳黑子时间序列预测

    Sunspot Time Series Forecast Based on Wavelet De-noised and BP Neural Networks

  2. 磁场中p模/s模的转换及黑子对声波的吸收

    The Observations of p - Modes / s - Modes conversion in the Magnetic Field and Absorption of p - Mode by the Sunspot

  3. 由于他漫不经心地下棋,他的白子掷到黑子的虎口里去了。

    Through his lack of attention to the game he had put his white stone into a “ tiger 's mouth ” formed by three black stones .

  4. 大多数天文学教科书都认为太阳黑子的发现是伽利略的功劳。

    Most astronomy texts credit Galileo with discovering sunspots .

  5. 汤姆很为他的狗“黑子”感到骄傲。

    Tom was1 very proud3 of his dog Blackie .

  6. 杰克看到黑子嘴里的药瓶子真吃了一惊。

    Jack was shocked26 to see a bottle of medicine in the dog 's mouth .

  7. 22太阳活动周的δ黑子群与X级X射线耀斑

    Delta-sunspots and X class flares in solar cycle 22

  8. 只产生少量耀斑和X射线事件的黑子群复合体

    A Complex of Three Spot Groups with Only a Few Flares and X-Ray Events

  9. 应用广义Kalman方法观测振动模态恒星黑子的观测

    Mode Observation of Vibratory Signal via Generalized Kalman Filter Observational Approaches to Starspots

  10. 太阳黑子数及Ap指数周期变化特征的小波分析

    Morlet transform of sunspot number and AP index

  11. 双极黑子活动区中太阳射电SVC辐射

    Solar radio SVC radiation in an active region of bipolar sunspot

  12. 重新研究了恒星的活动性(包括黑子活动)和星团中恒星的不均匀红化效应对Li丰度弥散的影响。

    The effects of stellar activity ( including stellar spots ) and inhomogeneous reddening over the cluster on Li abundance dispersion are studied .

  13. 模式混合的存在支持了模式转换作为p模式被黑子吸收的机制的解释。

    The generation of the mode mixing supports the explanation that the mode conversion is probably as the prime mechanism for the absorption of p - mode by the sunspot .

  14. 用全球等效太阳黑子数IG(12)进行电离层长期预报

    Use of a Global Effective Sunspot Number IG_ ( 12 ) for Long-term Ionospheric Predictions

  15. 发展了一种简单的双温模型用于研究黑子对活动星的视星等、颜色和视Li丰度的影响。

    A simple double temperature model has been developed to study the effects of stellar spots on the apparent magnitude , colour and the apparent lithium abundance of active stars .

  16. 食双星RTCrB测光畸变波的黑子模拟及黑子参数的微分改正解

    Differential Correction for Spot Parameters and the Photometric Solution of the RS CVn System RT CrB

  17. 文中将第22周上升段(1987.1.1&1988.7.31)的太阳黑子群和X射线耀斑按经度带作了极大熵谱估计。

    The periods of the McIntosh classifications of sunspot groups and X-ray flares of every longitudinal zone ( from January 1,1987 to July 31,1988 ) are estimated by using the Maximum Entropy method .

  18. 年轮的Ng明显地受太阳黑子活动周的影响,随着太阳周而变化,只是峰谷和峰值年要前移或后推1&2年。

    The Ng of wood was prominently influenced by the period of sunspot activity and it varies with the solar period , but the values of peak and valley have been preacted 2-3 years or postponed .

  19. 太阳黑子周期长度(SCL)变长(太阳活动减弱)时,青藏高原地面加热场强度减弱。

    The surface heating fields over QXP die down when sunspot cycle length ( SCL ) become long ( the sun activity die down ) .

  20. 以太阳黑子预测为实例分析四种改进算法在BP神经网络迭代次数减少,精度提高两方面的实际效果。该方法在月太阳黑子预测问题中显示出较好的结果。

    The methods are verified by a typically real ( example ) which is the problem of sunspots forecasting from two aspects that are convergence speed and the ( precision . ) The prediction results for monthly sunspots time series show a satisfying performance .

  21. 根据这些量的分布特点,认为日球基本参数T、N和V的冕洞周变化,可以用冕洞磁场的非径向因子a值,随黑子活动的下降而变小来解释。

    It is found that coronal-hole cycle variations of some basic heliospheric parameters , such as V , T and N can be explained by the decrease of the nonradial factor a of the magnetic field in the coronal hole as solar activity is decreased .

  22. 论文最后通过对人工数据和太阳黑子数据的实验证明了本文提出的Sh度量及基于形状的时间序列模式发现算法的有效性。

    Finally the experiments on synthetic datasets and sunspot datasets demonstrate that the time series shape similarity metric : Sh metric and the time series shape pattern algorithm based on Sh metric are effective .

  23. 文章按照视觉生理学原理,利用统计方法,并参照扁平天穹归算模型,对古籍中95条黑子大如X记录的17种比体进行了面积和实际大小的归算。

    The author uses the principle of seeing physiology and statistical method and the model of the plane vault of heaven to reduce to the area the scale of 17 comparative objects that come from 95 records of big as X of sunspots in annals .

  24. 分析了地球自转、大气角动量和太阳黑子相对数的年际变化与ELNino的关系。

    The relationship between variations in time scale of years of the Earth 's rotation ( Δ LOD 1 ), the atmospheric angular momentum , sunspot number and El Nino is studied in this paper .

  25. 文中采用Rossler混沌方程产生的混沌时间序列和实际观测的年太阳黑子时间序列作为实例。

    The chaotic time series generated by Rossler chaotic equation and the practically observed yearly sunspot time series are respectively taken as examples .

  26. 在太阳黑子相对数低值年,广西低温阴雨天气的变化存在22a左右的周期。

    There is a 22 year oscillation in low temperature and overcast rain at sunspot minimum years .

  27. 日珥磁场结构的Rayleigh-Tayler不稳定性和无黑子双带耀斑

    The rayleigh-tayler instability in filaments and " spotless " two ribbon flares

  28. 用曲线分段拟合法求出地磁扰动年次数Ck与黑子相对数Rk之间的经验的平均关系f(R);

    The method of the curve fitting with piecewise polynomials is used to derive an averaged experimental relationship f ( R ) between the number of times in a year Ck and the sunspot relative number Rk ( k is the order of the years from 1980 to 1979 ) .

  29. 本文给出了计算中纬E层临界频率(f(0E))和低电离层的电子密度分布与太阳天顶角、太阳黑子数、地方时之间关系的经验公式。

    In this paper , experimental formulae of the critical frequencies of the E-layer in mid-latitudes and of the distribution of electron density in the lower ionosphere are found . These formulae are expressed in terms of the sunspots number , the solar zenith angle and the local time .

  30. UXAri在2000年的主要黑子活动区分布在高纬、中纬和低纬地区,其中,高纬和中纬地区的黑子群长期存在。

    The main spot features of UX Ari are distributed in high-latitude , middle-latitude , and low-latitude regions in 2000 . The features in high-latitude and middle-latitude regions are long-terra phenomena .