
  • 网络film noir;noir;Film-Noir
  1. TheDeepEnd暗夜摇篮曲想看一部阴郁的黑色电影(注)吗?

    Ready for a moody film noir ?

  2. 还有黑色电影和犯罪电视剧中的几乎每位男演员,从《漩涡之外》(OutofthePast)到《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》(LawandOrder:SpecialVictimsUnit)。

    or almost any actor in just about any film noir or television crime drama , from " Out of the Past " to " Law and Order : Special Victims Unit . "

  3. 即使头上没有头发,腿上没有血肉,爱娃也有足够的诱惑力、足够狡猾,可以成为经典黑色电影(filmnoir)里的机器毒妇。

    Even without hair on her head or flesh on her legs , Ava has enough allure and cunning to become a classic film noir robot vixen .

  4. 答:这是一部黑色电影,我在看剧本的时候就被这点吸引住了。

    The thing that attracted me to the script was that it 's film noir .

  5. 记忆碎片是一部上映于2000年的美国心理悬疑片,克里斯托弗·诺兰是这部新黑色电影的导演兼编剧。

    Memento is a 2000 American psychological thriller and neo-noir film written and directed by Christopher Nolan .

  6. 非常嫌疑犯是一部上映于1995年的美国新黑色电影,编剧克里斯托夫·迈考利,导演布莱恩·辛格。

    The Usual Suspects is a 1995 American neo-noir film written by Christopher McQuarrie and directed by BryanSinger .

  7. 很快,剧情就告诉我们,凯勒布沿袭着黑色电影的经典套路,成为了痴恋的傻瓜,他会与这个硅胶做成的危险女人度过一段惊心动魄的时光。

    It quickly becomes clear that Caleb , in the great film noir tradition of love-struck saps , is going to have a tough time with this silicon femme fatale .

  8. 看他如何翻拍改编自同名小说的1947年经典黑色电影《玉面情魔》应该会很有趣。

    It will be fascinating to see what he does to reinvent Nightmare Alley , based on a novel that was adapted into the classic 1947 film noir of the same name .

  9. 对许多人来说,雷德利?斯科特执导的《银翼杀手》原作是有史以来最酷的电影之一,这部反乌托邦科幻惊悚片将故事背景设置在未来,拍摄方式类似黑色电影。

    Ridley Scott 's original Blade Runner is , for many , the apex of cinematic cool : a dystopian sci-fi thriller set in the future that is shot like a film noir .

  10. 140分钟的电影里,我们看到了新闻影片式的连续镜头、音乐剧、黑色电影、话剧、歌剧,甚至还有经典影片《教父》与《芝加哥》的身影。

    During the 140-minute runtime we see newsreel footage , musicals , film noir , stage plays , operas , and not to mention elements from better films like The Godfather and Chicago .

  11. 戛纳电影节如磁铁般吸引了众多媒体。大卫·柯南伯格1996年凭借其黑色电影《欲望号快车》获得评委会大奖。他说道:“这正是一个像他一样的独立制片人所期盼的。”

    The festival is a media magnet and Cronenberg , who won a jury prize at Cannes in 1996 for his film-noir " Crash , " says that is exactly what independent producers , like him , want .

  12. 《白日焰火》是一部黑色电影,故事发生在中国北方,讲述一名警察对一起可怕的谋杀案开展调查,却爱上了案件中的一个关键人物。

    The result -- ' Black Coal , Thin Ice ' -- is a noirish story about a former police officer investigating a grisly murder in northern China and falling in love with a key figure in the case .

  13. 还有些电视剧不如人们最初预料的好,不过仍有吸引力,最显眼的是映时频道的《婚外恋》,它一开始看起来像汉普顿斯式黑色电影,后来变成了法国艺术电影。

    There were also shows that didn 't live up to early expectations but still had traction , most notably " The Affair , " on Showtime , which began as a Hamptons film noir and instead turned into a French art film .

  14. 电影票房统计网站BoxOfficeMojo称,该片是全球有史以来最卖座的黑色喜剧电影。

    It has become the highest-grossing dark comedy of all time worldwide , according to box office mojo .

  15. 在这部新黑色经典科幻电影中,男主角尼奥在大脑加载武术招数后很快就学会了功夫。

    In the neo-noir sci-fi classic , protagonist Neo is able to learn kung fu in seconds after the martial art is ' uploaded ' straight to his brain .

  16. 事实上,这样一部黑色主题的电影能够得到发行让我感到很吃惊,如果没多少人喜欢这部电影的话我一点也不会感到意外。

    In fact , I was amazed that this movie , given its dark theme , could be released , and I wouldn 't be surprised if not many people enjoy it .

  17. 这部20世纪70年代黑色幽默犯罪电影的主角,是诈骗高手欧文·罗森菲尔德和他的情妇西德尼·普鲁塞尔,他们被一名联邦调查局

    This pseudo-comedic 1970s crime drama tells the story of two romantically involved con artists named Irving Rosenfeld and Sydney Prosser , who are caught by an FBI agent and forced to scam corrupt politicians .