
What is most important is dealing with the hard times , coping with the changes , and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you .
B : Never say die . The darkest hour is the nearest dawn .
The darkest hour is nearest the dawn .
Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark .
Get Throngh The Darkness Before Dawn
Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark .
On the eighty-fifth day Santiago rowed out of the harbor in the cool dark before dawn .
We sing hand in hand , shuttling the darkness before dawn to embrace the light of sunrise .
It 's always darkest before the dawn-so that 's the best time to steal your neighbour 's newspaper .
At present , humanity is in a state of great spiritual darkness - the darkness which precedes dawn .
The problem is , some people will fear , doubt , irrational , and fall in the pre-dawn darkness .
Everyone is working hard in training , so it is just a matter of time until you see the real Liverpool .
" We 're in the dark before the dawn ," said Luo Jianhua , secretary general of the China Environment Chamber of Commerce .
If this is the darkness before the dawn , then today 's number confirms the darkness , while the dawn remains an aspiration .
At the beginning of1949 , Wang had to stay in Hong Kong to survive the so called " darkness before the dawn " .
But each new day , fear is , as the Jersey poet said , lurking in the darkness of the edge of dawn .
Achieve in what Xiong Fu can insist to come down cast an enterprise to have an opportunity , what cannot die before dawn is dark .
Two weeks ago , America 's final combat brigade in Iraq - the Army 's Fourth Stryker Brigade - journeyed home in the pre-dawn darkness .
But wait , try to look at the picture from another angle , is not the black spot like the sun in the daybreak moment , the darkest moment before the sunrise ?
A feature of the fifth and sixth years of the war is that while victory is drawing near , there are very great difficulties ahead ; in other words , we are in the " darkness before the dawn " .
Our troops are the steel in our ship of state . And though our nation may be travelling through rough waters , they give us confidence that our course is true , and that beyond the pre-dawn darkness , better days lie ahead .
The simple oil lamp lights at long night , illuminating the very inner-most of a searching heart , it does not only keep the WAN night but also tacitly gives light to the lofty ideal of great creation work , ready to break through the darkness before dawn .
I think of you in the morning before the sun rises , when in the still of the darkness my heart feels your presence .
In the darkest moments before dawn , a woman returns to her bed .
Perhaps JetBlue believes that the sky is darkest before dawn .