
  • 网络Golden Corn
  1. 由于所处世界黄金玉米带,通辽黄玉米因质量好、品质高等特性蜚声海内外。

    In which the World Gold corn belt , the Tongliao city yellow corn because of good quality , quality , containing starch and high features renowned at home and abroad .

  2. 冲洗沉淀物以获取黄金从玉米胚芽中获取的油。

    Sluicing sediment for gold . oil from the germs of corn grains .

  3. 研究表明:山西地处我国玉米种植的黄金地带,玉米的产量高、品质好。

    The study indicate that Shanxi which located in the best place availed to plant maize has the high yield , good quality of maize .