
  • 网络source of the yellow river
  1. 研究结果发现,从黄河源头至入海口,黄河水具有稳定同位素比率逐渐增大而3H浓度逐渐下降的趋势;

    From the river source to the estuary , the ratios of the H and O isotopes are increasing and 3H concentrations are decreasing progressively .

  2. 兰州以上黄河源头地区河水的δ18O、δD的季节性变化与雨水相反,地下水对河水的补给贡献旱季大于雨季。

    In the river source above Lanzhou , the seasonal variation of δ 18O and δ D in river water is different from that in precipitation . The percentage of groundwater contribution to river in dry season is larger than that in rainy season .

  3. 黄河源头地区的生态建设与保护

    Ecological Construction and Protection in the Original Area of Yellow River

  4. 黄河源头地区泥沙来源的初步分析

    Preliminary analysis on the sediment source in the Yellow River source area

  5. 黄河源头断流现象成因分析

    Analysis on Cause of Flow-Stopping in Source Area of the Yellow River

  6. 黄河源头高寒草原植被退化特征分析

    Feature analysis of vegetation degradation on Alpine Grassland in Yellow River source region

  7. 黄河源头地区植物的区系特征

    The floristic characteristics in the source area of the Yellow River in China

  8. 黄河源头区土壤侵蚀现状分析

    Soil Erosion Analysis in Headstream Basin of Yellow River

  9. 黄河源头特殊生态功能区的建设及预期影响

    Construction and forecast impacts of special ecological functional area in headwater of Yellow River

  10. 黄河源头多年冻土退化原因及变化趋势

    Reasons of Degeneration and Tendency of Variation of Ever-Frost of the Yellow River Source

  11. 黄河源头区沙化土地现状及恢复措施

    Current situation of desertification of origin place of the Yellow River and restoration strategy

  12. 黄河源头区首次发现深埋藏湖冰

    First Discovery of the Deep - Buried Lake Ice in Source Region of the Yellow River

  13. 长江、黄河源头地区土壤中暗色丝孢菌物种多样性研究

    Species Diversity of Soil Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes from Yangtse River and Yellow River Source Area of China

  14. 黄河源头区水土流失及草业综合治理探讨

    Approach to Comprehensive Management of Soil and Water Loss and Grasses of the Yellow River Source Area

  15. 遥感图像三维技术研究及古黄河源头水系的新发现

    The Research of Remote Sensing Image Three-dimensional Technology and the New Discovery of Ancient Yellow River 's Headwater Water-system

  16. 同德县地处黄河源头生态环境治理区,保护和建设生态环境是一项长期的战略任务。

    Located in the eco-environment protect area of Huangheyuan , Tongde County has a long-term task of grassland protect and construction .

  17. 黄河源头高原区和甘蒙高原沙漠区退耕还林区域模式研究

    Study on Regional Model of Returning Farmland to Afforestation in Plateau Area of Fountainhead of Yellow River and in Desert of Gan-Meng Plateau

  18. 雅鲁藏布江源头区的植被及其地理分布特征黄河源头区土壤侵蚀现状分析

    Vegetation Types and Their Geographic Distribution in the Source Area of the Yarlung Zangbo Soil Erosion Analysis in Headstream Basin of Yellow River

  19. 关于长江、黄河源头地区草地现状以及成因的调查

    Survey on the Present Situation of Grassland and Causes of the Degradation in the Areas at the Head water of Yellow River and Changjiang ( Yangtze ) River

  20. 在自己的水泥房子里,她仍然可以看见银色的黄河源头,但是她和这边土地和水的关系,已经永远地被切断了。

    From her concrete home , Zhuoma can still see the silvery beginnings of the Yellow River , but her relationship to the water and the land to her heritage has been lost forever .

  21. 草地对环境和水源保护有重要作用,因此长江和黄河源头地区退化草地的治理与流域生态安全和经济发展关系密切。

    Concerning the grassland functions on environment protection and water head conservation , the management of degraded grassland in the headwater areas of the Yangtze , Mekong and the Yellow River is highly related to the whole watershed 's eco-security and economic development .

  22. 黄河源头区西部虽然水土流失面积较小,但生态十分脆弱,成土缓慢,土壤抗侵蚀能力差,一旦水土流失发生、发展极难重建和恢复。

    The area of soil erosion in western part of the headstream basin is relatively small , but it still poses a serious threat to the ecological stability of the basin , which is a fragile area and in which rehabilitation after major erosion is very difficult .

  23. 资料显示:全世界到过珠峰有两万人,到过黄河源头有500人,而到过长江源头的只有150人。

    According to records that throughout the world there are 20,000 people who have ascended the Everest , about 500 people who have been to the headwaters of the Yellow River , and however , only 150 people who have been to the headwaters of the Yangtze River .

  24. 青海既是黄河的源头,也是长江的源头。

    Qinghai is the source of both the Yellow and Yangtze rivers .

  25. 长江、黄河之源头在青海,中国最大的内陆高原咸水湖也在青海。

    The province is also the source of the Yangtze River , Yellow river and Lancang River .

  26. 黄河上游及源头区生态环境质量综合评价

    General Evaluation of Ecological Environmental Equality in Upstream and Headwater Areas of Yellow River

  27. 沿着黄河与长江的源头,漂流而下,过壶口,闯关东,走三峡,奔大海。

    Along the Yellow River and Yangtze River 's source , rafting down , over Hukou into being the East , take the Three Gorges , Ben the sea .

  28. 因此,保护黄河源区生态环境、建立黄河源头特殊生态功能保护区已刻不容缓。

    It is , therefore , of great urgency protect the eco-environment of the source region of the Huanghe River by means of setting up a special ecological function reserve .

  29. 在统计分析黄河沿站实测输沙量的基础上,初步分析了黄河源头泥沙来源和分布。

    Based on the measured sediment discharge at Huangheyan station , the author preliminarily analyzed the source and distribution of incoming sediment .