
  • 网络Kenny Huang;Kenneth Huang;Kenh Huang
  1. 根据声明,黄健华将被任命为国际米兰的董事,任命将于今年10月生效。

    According to a statement , Kenneth Huang will be named to the board of directors of the club effective October .

  2. 黄健华还曾帮助安排中国投资者与美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)的火箭队(Rockets)和纽约扬基棒球队(NewYorkYankees)达成交易。

    Mr. Huang also helped arrange deals between Chinese investors and the NBA 's Rockets and the New York Yankees baseball team .

  3. 2010年,克利夫兰骑士队与中国青岛啤酒股份有限公司(TsingtaoBreweryCo.Ltd.)签订了一份价值数百万美元的营销协议。黄健华后来澄清,他个人与克利夫兰骑士队没有任何利害关系。

    In 2010 the Cavaliers signed a multi-million dollar marketing deal with Chinese beer giant Tsingtao Brewery Co. Ltd. Mr. Huang later clarified that he did not hold any stake personally in the Cavaliers .

  4. 黄健华在周五晚上召开了记者招待会,宣布他和他旗下的QSL体育公司已经停止了跟安菲尔德方面的谈判。

    Huang issued a statement on Friday evening to say he and his company QSL Sports were pulling out of takeover talks with the Anfield club .

  5. 这就意味着也许最快在未来的一周之内,利物浦就有可能完成彻底易主,目前来看,黄健华似乎仍处于领先地位。

    It is believed that a takeover could be completed within a week from now , with Huang currently the frontrunner in the race to acquire Liverpool .

  6. 但黄健华本人周三晚间发表声明称,尽管他有意投资利物浦,但还没有发出正式报价。

    But Mr Huang himself issued a statement on Wednesday night saying that although he has registered interest in investing in Liverpool , he has not made a formal bid .

  7. 英国媒体报道称,黄健华正在中投的支持下竞购利物浦。黄健华拥有一家小型体育营销公司,在北京设有办事处。

    UK media have reported that Mr Huang , owner of a small sports marketing company with an office in Beijing , is bidding for the club with backing from CIC .

  8. 一位与黄健华关系密切的人士周一向英国《金融时报》表示,黄健华的报价得到了一家远东主权财富基金的支持,但他拒绝透露该基金的名称。

    A person close to Mr Huang told the FT on Monday that his bid was backed by a sovereign wealth fund from the Far East but declined to name the fund .