
  • 网络Michael
  1. 凹凸他对fw32有何想法,f1的新规则,他对麦麦的速写&还有对馒头的一些有趣的建议。

    AUTOSPORT was there to hear what he had to say about the new FW32 , new F1 regulations , his brief talks with McLaren-and some interesting advice for Nico Rosberg .

  2. 我是你永远的麦麦。

    I 'll treasure this friendship forever !

  3. 麦麦.这是你的笔记本吗?

    Mikey , is this your laptop ?

  4. 你有没有试过麦当劳的「24小时麦麦送」外卖服务?

    Have you tried the24-hour McDelivery service ?

  5. 我并不是说是的我原本可以签麦麦的,因为这是2段不同的谈判。

    I am not saying that yes I could have signed for McLaren , because it was only two conversations .

  6. 明明投中一些罚球将比分扳了回来,但随后火箭失去了麦麦。

    Yao made a few free throws to get back the lead , but moments later , the Rockets lost McGrady .

  7. 麦麦跟法家是一类的,他们一直会做出好车,但就像我说过的,当我们11月谈合同时,我就已经出局了。

    McLaren is always similar to a Ferrari type of thing , in that they are going to build a good car , but as I said , when we had those conversations in November , it was already done for me .

  8. 结果表明,在黄豆芽玉米玢培养基中菌丝球最多,大小均匀,菌丝生长量最大,在麦麦夫蛋白胨培养基上菌丝的糖含量最高。

    The results indicated that there were many mycelia spheres to be evolved and the size of mycelia spheres was even , and the dry weight of mycelia was large in soybean bud-corn powder medium , but the carbohydrate content of mycelia was high in wheat bran-protein peptone medium .

  9. 在本实验条件下,花麦比白麦更适宜于制作偏高温大曲。

    Thus , under experimental conditions , colored wheat was more suitable than white wheat for Daqu production .

  10. 这是一个动圈麦和电容麦差不多都同被使用到的区域

    This is an area where dynamics and condensers are used about equally .

  11. 在用顶麦和底麦录制军鼓时的标准设置。

    Typical setup when miking the top and bottom of a snare drum .

  12. 就物种而言,在本研究中耐铝能力黑麦最强,依次为养麦、小照麦和小麦;

    The ability to resist Al stress is in the increasing order of wheat , triticale , buckwheat , and rye .

  13. 内蒙古自治区黄灌区啤酒大麦蒙啤麦一号氮、磷、钾肥料及密度效应研究

    Nitrogen , Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizer and Density Effect on Malting Barley ( MengPiMai ⅰ) in Yellow River Irrigation Area , Inner Mongolia

  14. 最后,生长调节剂处理对白麦和绿麦蛋白质及其组分影响不显著,对紫麦醇溶蛋白有显著影响,使三种粒色小麦面筋指数显著低于对照,而对面团流变学特性的影响不显著。

    Rheological properties of three cultivar wheat were not significant affected by growth regulator , however , it had significantly decreased their gluten index .

  15. 由于全麦和全麦面粉是由完整的麦粒加工而成的,我们消化全麦面包比较慢,会有长时间的饱腹感,不会影响血糖的变化。

    As whole wheat and whole grain flours are made from the intact grains , we digest whole grain breads more slowly and feel full longer , and don 't experience a blood-sugar freakout .

  16. 不同植物种类和同一植物种类不同品种的耐铝能力存在明显的基因型差异。就物种而言,在本研究中耐铝能力黑麦最强,依次为养麦、小照麦和小麦;

    The genotypic differences among plant species or cultivars within the same species were substantial . The ability to resist Al stress is in the increasing order of wheat , triticale , buckwheat , and rye .

  17. 尼莫通组和川芎参麦组及参麦组脑组织TXB2/6-keto-PGF(1α)低于老龄模型组(P<0.05,P<0.01),接近老龄对照组。

    The TXB_2 / 6-keto-PGF_ ( 1 α) ratio in the nimotop group , LSI group and SI group was lower than that in aged model group ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ), and close to that in aged control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  18. 麦佳碧在创作麦兜之前从未见过真正的猪。

    Mak had never seen a real pig before she drew McDull .

  19. 麦阔净在麦类田防除双子叶杂草应用技术研究

    Study on Application Technique of MKJ Control Dicotyledonous Weed in Wheat Field

  20. 就像麦兜一样,麦佳碧说话和动作都是慢条斯理的。

    Like McDull , Mak moves and speaks slowly .

  21. 目的观察参麦注射液(参麦)治疗缓慢性心律失常的疗效。

    Objective To observe the curative effect of Shenmai Injection to treat slow arrhythmias .

  22. 根据麦芽和啤酒的聚类分析结果得出优质小麦品种为扬麦13,扬麦9号,宁麦9号;

    Based on the cluster results of malt and beer , the excellent wheat varieties were selected .

  23. 选择全麦面包,全麦面食,糙米,全麦和谷物。

    Opt for whole grain bread , whole wheat pasta , brown rice , and whole grain cereals .

  24. 但是,麦胚、脱脂麦胚、脱脂改性麦胚有劣化面粉烘焙品质的作用。

    Germ , defatted germ and heat-treated defatted germ weakened the dough strength and deteriorated the flour baking quality .

  25. 与前几部影片一样,麦太对儿子麦兜的武术学习仍寄予了很高的期望。

    Just like before , his mother Ms Mak has great hopes for Mcdull in his martial arts studies .

  26. 通过对比试验,探讨了不同润麦方式、润麦水分对面粉粉质的拉伸指标的影响规律。

    Through check experiment , the influencing rule of tempering method and moisture on the quality index of flour was discussed .

  27. 气候变暖的阶段性趋势使麦茎蜂对麦类等作物的危害程度有加重的趋势;

    With the trend towards global warming , it made the harmful levels of wheat stem sawfly for crops was increasing trends .

  28. 研究了全脂麦胚和脱脂麦胚对面团的流变学特性和面包质量的影响。

    The effects of adding full-fat wheat germ and defatted wheat germ on rheological properties of dough and bread quality were studied .

  29. 单颗粒谷物测定系列试验(二)&润麦方式、润麦水分、时间变化对小麦出粉率的影响分析

    Series Experiment 2 for Determination of Single Cereal-Analysis on Effect of Changes of Tempering Methods , Water Content and Time on Flour Yield of Wheat

  30. 全麦食品中全麦面包是西方国家首选的主食,是补充膳食纤维及多种营养素的最佳途径。

    Whole meal bread as the staple food in western countries , is the best way to supplement the dietary fiber and a variety of nutrients .