
  1. 既有鹰厦铁路位于枢纽末端,即将建成的福厦、龙厦、厦深三条铁路在此接轨。

    Yingtan-Xiamen railway that have already lain in the end of the terminal , and the following three railways , Fuzhou-Xiamen , Longyan-Xiamen , Xiamen-Shenzhen , will integrate here .

  2. 停电影响鹰厦电气化铁路2个牵引变电站。

    The power failure took a toll on two traction substations along the Yingtan-Xiamen electric railway .

  3. 汛期电站水库影响,巳造成鹰厦、外福铁路线路被淹、路基冲毁、桥梁坠落等水害,使铁路蒙受重大损失。

    Due to the influence of power station reservoir in flood season , the flood defects , such as the railway line submerged , the subgrade burst and the bridge fallen , occurred at Weiyang-Fuzhou Railway in which heavy losses were sustained .