
lín xiè
  • scale;dry scaly skin bits
鳞屑 [lín xiè]
  • [dry scaly skin bits] 从复层鳞状上皮表层脱落下的碎屑

鳞屑[lín xiè]
  1. 链球菌、分支杆菌及皮肤鳞屑蛋白与银屑病关系的研究

    Study on the Relationship Between Psoriasis and Streptococcus , Mycobacterium and Scale Proteins

  2. 泛发性病例中5种临床亚型均各有2~6例患者,表现为程度不一的红斑、脓疱和鳞屑。

    There were 2 to 6 cases in each five different forms of generalized PP which manifested mainly as erythema , pustule and scale in different degree .

  3. 猩红热病愈后皮肤上的鳞屑就会脱落。

    Scales of skin peel off after scarlet fever .

  4. 取鳞屑KOH直接镜检未见孢子及菌丝。

    KOH direct microscopic examination of scales showed no spores and hyphae .

  5. 用ELISA测定银屑病患者血中抗β-溶血性链球菌超声抗原、结核分支杆菌粗脂抗原及银屑病鳞屑蛋白的相应抗体水平。

    Antibodies against streptococcal antigens , SPPs and crude lipids from M.tuberculosis were detected by ELISA for both psoriatic patients and healthy controls .

  6. 老年顽固性瘙痒、皮疹泛发、治疗不佳、鳞屑性红斑是早期MF的重要线素。

    The elderly patients with severe pruritus , extensive skin lesions , poor effect and scaly erythema were important clues about the diagnosis .

  7. 这是斐济群岛的纳梅纳岛(NamenaIsland)海域,一条颜色鲜艳的长鼻鹰鱼正栖息在软珊瑚群中。长鼻鹰鱼属于热带海洋鱼类,以其针状的鼻子以及红白色的鳞屑而著名。

    Longnose hawkfish , like this brightly patterned creature resting in a bed of soft coral off Fiji Island 's Namena Island , are tropical marine fish known for their needle-like snouts and striking red-and-white scales .

  8. 结论环形红斑型是SCLE中较为良性的一型,预后较好,而丘疹鳞屑型则易发展为SLE,预后较差。

    Conclusion Annular erythema subtype of SCLE is milder and has a better prognosis than that of papulosquamous subtype .

  9. 鳞屑多肽注射液治疗银屑病465例的疗效

    Therapeutic effect of injection scale peptides on psoriasis in 465 patients

  10. 液氮冷冻治疗鳞屑性睑缘炎的疗效观察

    Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Squamous Blepharitis Treated with Liquefacient Nitrogen Cryotherapy

  11. 临床特点:银白色鳞屑,薄膜现象,点状出血。

    Clinical feature : silver-white scales , thin film phenomena , petechial hemorrhage.10 .

  12. 银屑病的症状主要是红色鳞屑性皮疹伴有瘙痒及皮肤脱屑。

    Symptoms commonly include a reddish , scaly rash , with itching and flaking skin .

  13. 银白色鳞屑、薄膜现象和点状出血现象是银屑病的特征。

    Its characteristic is silvery white scale trifles , the phenomenon of membrane and dotty hemorrhage .

  14. 饱经风霜的鳞屑包围一棵狐尾松的树干在加利福尼亚的内华达山脉。

    Weathered scales encase the trunk of a foxtail pine in California 's Sierra Nevada Mountains .

  15. 观察两组治疗前后皮损面积、红斑、斑块、鳞屑的变化。

    Observe the change of psoriasis area , erythema , sclerosis , squama before and after treatment .

  16. 有鳞屑的皮肤、表面

    A scaly skin , surface

  17. 患者男,54岁。面部反复浸润性斑块1年,表面覆有鳞屑及黑色痂皮。

    The lesions on the face were infiltrated erythematous plaques , with scales and black crusts on the surface .

  18. 胭脂一种红色染料,曾是由胭脂虫属的有鳞屑的雌胭脂虫的干虫体制成。

    A red dyestuff once prepared from the dried bodies of various female scale insects of the genus kermes .

  19. 银屑病是一种以红斑,过度角化和鳞屑性丘疹斑块为特点的慢性复发性炎症性皮肤病。

    Psoriasis is a chronic , recurrent , inflammatory skin disease , characterized by erythematous , hyperkeratotic , scaling papules .

  20. 头皮屑一种与头垢有关的表皮鳞屑海洋拥有巨量的叫做鳞虾的小型动物。

    An epidermal scale , as that associated with dandruff . The ocean contains huge amounts of tiny sea-animals called krill .

  21. 结果:糜烂型一般涂药3次~5次即可痊愈,鳞屑型一般5次~7次即可治愈。

    Results : Rotten otomycosis is usually cured with the treatment 3 to 5 times , scaled that 5 to 7 times .

  22. 临床特征为:在红斑、丘疹上有松散的银白色鳞屑,抓之有薄膜及露水珠样出血点。

    Clinical features as : erythema , papules on the loose silvery scales , grasping the thin film and the dew drops like bleeding .

  23. 当表皮屏障功能障碍,真皮和表皮内水分会大量丢失,发生皮肤干燥、鳞屑、瘙痒。

    When the epidermal barrier is blocked , water in dermis and epidermis will lose , which results in dry skin and skin scales .

  24. 患者男,17岁,面部以双颧部为主出现灰褐色油腻性鳞屑斑片半年余。

    A 17 year old male patient presented thick adherent greyish brown oily scales on both sides of the face for more than 6 months .

  25. 观察指标:疗效性观测包括皮损部位与范围、红斑、鳞屑及皮损浸润的程度以及用药后的变化。

    Observation index : observation of curative effect include lesion part and limit , erythema , scale , infiltrative degree and the changes after therapy .

  26. 目的研究银屑病鳞屑中所含的银屑病相关抗原的生物学特性以及在银屑病的发病中所起的作用。

    Objective To investigate a distinct stratum corneum , psoriasis associated antigen in psoriatic scale , it 's characteristic of molecule biology and the pathogenesis .

  27. 结果表明四氧化钌固定法将为阐述某些鳞屑性皮肤病的结构标记和病理机制提供一些新的线索。

    The results indicate that the ruthenium tetroxide methodology should yield new information about structural markers and pathogenic mechanisms in a variety of other scaling dermatoses .

  28. 它的症状是干燥,瘙痒,鳞屑,耳后裂纹以及面颊,手臂和腿部的皮疹。

    Its symptoms are dry , itchy , scaly skin , cracks behind the ears , and rashes on the cheeks , arms , and legs .

  29. 皮损以丘疹、结痂、鳞屑为主,且有少量水疱及轻度糜烂,自觉搔痒剧烈,夜间尤甚。

    Skin lesions with papules crusted , dry scaly skin bits , small blisters and mild erosion , consciously intense itching , get worse at night .

  30. 值得注意的是皮肤过度角化,使其产生粗糙的红色起鳞屑外形,且常有溃疡。

    Note the overlying hyperkeratosis of the skin , which helps to produce the rough , red , scaling appearance seen grossly , and there is often ulceration .