
lín yè
  • scale leaf
鳞叶[lín yè]
  1. 以上几个品种叶片发育的规律为:芽下第一叶、鳞叶表皮毛数量较多,芽下第二叶、芽下第三叶、芽下第四叶、鱼叶表皮毛数量较少。

    Leaf growth of varieties was as follows : The first leaf , scale leaf had more trichomes , the second leaf , the third leaf , the fourth leaf , fish leaf had fewer trichomes .

  2. 而且因为裸子植物种类很少,矮高位芽植物缺少针叶、鳞叶类型。

    Because gymnosperm species were rare , short phanerophytes were lack of needle leaf type and scale leaf type .

  3. 结论该方法提取百合鳞叶总DNA简便实用。

    Conclusions A simple and useful method for DNA extraction from lily ' squama leaves are created .

  4. 目的建立一种适合RAPD分析的百合鳞叶总DNA提取方法。

    Objective To excogitate a method for extracting DNA from Bulbus Lilii to be appropriate for RAPD analysis .

  5. 4用1.0%的次氯酸钠加上几滴肥皂水对鳞叶藓孢子体进行表面消毒,消毒时间为8min。

    1.0 % sodium hypochlorite containing drops of suds was used to sterilizing T.

  6. 研究结果如下:1、将鳞叶接种在MS、1/2MS和改良MS培养基上,MS基本培养基上愈伤组织的诱导率最高,改良MS次之,1/2MS最差。

    The results showed : 1 、 The scale leaves were inoculated on MS , 1 / 2MS and modified MS medium . It showed that MS basal medium went with the highest rate of callus induction , modified MS followed , and 1 / 2MS worst .

  7. 百合鳞叶细胞形态发生中胚性细胞的电镜观察

    The ultrastructural observation of embryonic cells in morpho genesis of lily bulb

  8. 在2年生鳞茎中,外层鳞叶淀粉含量小于内层;

    For2-years bulbs , the content of starch in outer scale is less than inner scale ;

  9. 刺叶的组织密度和失水系数都明显大于鳞叶;

    Both tissue density and coefficient of water loss were higher in the spine leaves than in the scale leaves .

  10. 细叶百合的着花数和鳞茎的鳞叶数与植株年龄有关,二者数量随年龄的增加而增加。

    The flower number and scale amount are related with plant age , and the two amount went tip with which increased .

  11. 结果表明:(1)刺叶的角质层厚度、表皮细胞大小、叶肉细胞表面积和维管束大小都显著小于鳞叶;

    The spine leaves had smaller cuticle thickness , epidermis cell size , mesophyll cell surface area , and vascular bundle size than the scale leaves .

  12. 病菌侵染当年生新叶,翌年2月底出现症状,潜育期约250d,6月在枯死鳞叶上产生杯状橄榄色子实体和子囊孢子进行新的传播侵染。

    The current leaves are infected in June and the symptom appears in late February of the next year with a incubation period about 250 days .

  13. 具有扁平垂枝和鳞叶的大型香木针叶杉,分布于北非和西班牙;树皮分泌的树脂用于清漆中。

    Large coniferous evergreen tree of North Africa and Spain having flattened branches and scalelike leaves yielding a hard fragrant wood ; bark yields a resin used in varnishes .

  14. 芽下第一叶、鳞叶气孔器发育不完全,芽下第二叶气孔器发育趋向成熟、芽下第三叶、芽下第四叶、鱼叶气孔器发育成熟。

    Stomata of the first leaf buds , scales leaf were not fully developed , stomata of the second leaf tent to mature . Stomata of the third leaf , the fourth leaf , fish leaf was mature .

  15. 为了探讨悬铃木冬芽休眠的机理,研究了悬铃木冬芽休眠过程中芽鳞及叶原基的内源激素变化与休眠的关系。

    The relationship between dormancy and endogenous hormone inside buds scales and leaf primordium was studied in order to explore the mechanism of winter buds'dormancy in Platanus acerifolia .