
mó yù
  • konjak;leopard palm;devilstongue
魔芋 [mó yù]
  • [konjak] 一种多年生草本植物,有比芋头娘块茎大的块状球茎,能制淀粉,常用它做成豆腐状食品。俗称魔芋豆腐。生长在中国、日本

魔芋[mó yù]
  1. 鲜魔芋及其种植土壤中矿物元素的ICP-AES法测定

    Determination of Mineral Elements in Konjak and Its Growth Soil by ICP-AES

  2. 水浸魔芋丝的生产技术及HACCP质量控制研究

    Study on processing and haccp Quality controlling of submerged sericate konjak

  3. 魔芋葡甘露聚糖水凝胶作为DNA控制释放材料的研究

    Preparation of Konjac Glucomannan Hydrogels for DNA Controlled Release

  4. 魔芋飞粉高F值寡肽的研究

    Study on Oligo-peptides of High Fischer Ratio with Konjac Fly Powder

  5. 微波辅助H2O2降解魔芋葡甘聚糖的研究

    Study on the Degradation of Konjac Glucomannan with H_2O_2 under the Microwave

  6. 氧化魔芋葡甘聚糖/Ca(OH)2杂化膜的制备与性能

    Preparation and Functionality of Oxidize Konjac Glucomannan / Ca ( OH ) _2 Complex Film

  7. 魔芋葡甘聚糖的pH触发酶解

    PH-triggered enzymatic hydrolysis of konjac glucomannan

  8. 酶解魔芋飞粉制备高F值寡肽最佳工艺条件的研究

    Processing Technology of Oligo-peptides of High Fischer Ratio from Konjac Fly Powder with Protease

  9. 羟丙甲纤维素与魔芋葡甘聚糖作为甲硝唑缓释片辅料研究高效液相色谱法测定维生素C阴道缓释片有关物质及含量

    Study on Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose and Konjac Glucomannan as Excipients of Metronidazole Extended Release Tablet ; Determination of Vitamin C Vaginal Sustained-release Tablets and its related substances by HPLC

  10. PAC和PAM对魔芋精粉湿法生产溶剂的回收效果研究

    Recycling Solvent With PAC and PAM for Wet Process of Refined Konjak Powder

  11. 魔芋种质资源的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis of Amorphophallus germplasms

  12. 历经3a时间,在3个试验点,从魔芋的物候观测、栽培方法,质量、产量分析等方面对魔芋南种北移技术进行了研究。

    In 3 experimental plots were conducted phonological observation and introduction study .

  13. 饮食与大肠癌的关系极为密切,植酸(PA)和魔芋(KM)均为天然食物。

    Colorectal carcinoma is closely related to diets . Phytic acid ( PA ) and konjac mannan ( KM ) are both natural diets .

  14. 快速粘度分析仪(RVA)可用于快速测定白魔芋微粉的糊化特性。

    Pasting properties for the micro-konjac flour could be rapidly measured with RVA .

  15. 本文研究了总胶浓度、凝胶的时间、pH值、加热温度、搅拌时间等因素对复配魔芋胶的凝胶特性的影响。

    Man factors which affect the gelling properties of complex konjac gum including gum 's concentration and time of gelatin and pH value and heated temperature and stirring time etc. were researched .

  16. AGP小亚基反义基因导入魔芋研究

    Studies on Tranformation of Anti-sense Gene of AGP Small Subunit into Amorphophallus

  17. 用魔芋多糖(KGM)将肌红蛋白(Mb)固定在玻碳电极(GC)表面,制备了Mb-KGM膜修饰电极。

    Myoglobin ( Mb ) was immobilized on glassy carbon electrode ( GCE ) surface by konjac glucomannan ( KGM ) .

  18. 以魔芋胶(KG)与大豆分离蛋白(SPI)作为基材,研究KG对SPI乳化性的影响。

    The influences of konjac gum ( KG ), xanthan gum and guar gum on the emulsification of soybean protein isolate ( SPI ) were compared .

  19. 主要成份:多肽苹果酸、决明子、生山楂、苦瓜提取物、花旗参、魔芋粉、维生素EC等。

    Main ingredients : peptides malic acid , cassia seed , born hawthorn , balsam pear extract , American ginseng , konjac powder , vitamin EC , etc.

  20. 魔芋有效成分分析及KGM稀溶液性质的研究

    Analysis of Effective Composition in Amorphophallus Konjac and Research on Dilute Solution Properties of KGM

  21. 用溶液共混法成功地制备出魔芋葡甘聚糖/羧甲基淀粉共混膜,并用IR、XRD、SEM、力学性能和水蒸汽透过率测试研究了其结构和性能。

    Konjac glucomannan / carboxylmethyl starch blend films were obtained by solution method and characterized by FT-IR , XRD , SEM , and by measurements of mechanical properties and water vapor transmission .

  22. 魔芋葡甘聚糖(KGM)有良好的成型性能,并且还拥有良好的生物相容性能。

    Konjac glucomannan ( KGM ) has good molding property , and also has good biocompatibility .

  23. 对魔芋精粉与瓜尔豆胶、CMC-Na、海藻酸钠等增稠剂互混时协同增效作用进行了研究。

    The synergistic interaction of konjac powder and guar gum , CMC-Na , alginate was studied .

  24. 甘薯、薯蓣和魔芋叶片SPAD值与叶绿素含量的相关性研究

    Study on Correlations Between SPAD readings and Chlorophyll Content in Leaves of Sweet Potato , Dioscorea and Konjaku

  25. 采用极差分析法进行分析,根据极差R的大小,进行因素的主次排队,蔗糖因素为最重要因素,其次为青稞,核桃再次之,而魔芋胶因素为不重要因素。

    Employing range analysis to analyze , according to extreme difference , and to line the factors based on importance . Sucrose was the most important factor . Highland barley powder was the second . Walnut was the third .

  26. X-射线衍射和DSC差示扫描量热法分析显示,KGM、茶汤固形物以及魔芋茶饮料的固形物均属无定形粉末。

    The X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) indicated that the powder of KGM , tea extracts and konjac-tea solids are amorphous .

  27. 本文开展了60Coγ射线辐照对花魔芋酶类与球茎品质影响的研究。

    In this paper , effects of () ~ ( 60 ) Co γ ray on isozymes and qualities of Amorphophallus konjac were studied .

  28. 用焦磷酸络锰的三价离子Mn3+为引发剂,引发魔芋粉(KGM)与丙烯酰胺(AM)的接枝共聚。

    The graft copolymerization of acrylamide onto konjac glucomannan ( KGM ) was studied using manganese pyrophosphate complex as an initiator .

  29. 魔芋叶柄薄壁细胞在脱分化形成愈伤组织过程中,其内源激素(IAA、GA3、ABA和JA)含量发生了明显的变化。

    During the course of petiole parenchyma cells to form callus , the contents of endogenous hormones ( IAA , GA3 , ABA and JA ) changed obviously .

  30. 制备了一种魔芋葡甘聚糖接枝丙烯酸水凝胶,并将其作为亲水药物5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)透皮释放制剂基材。

    In this paper , hydrogels of konjac glucomannan ( KGM ) grafted acrylic acid ( AA ) were prepared for transdermal delivery matrix of hydrophilic drug 5-fluorouracil ( 5-FU ) .