
  1. 《魏晋南北朝史》是王仲荦先生毕生从事这一历史时期研究和教学的结晶。

    History of the Wei , Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties is the result of Mr.

  2. 此方法之于魏晋南北朝史研究的意义,主要在于史料之拓展和解读之深入。

    The method is of great significance in the study of the Wei-Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties .

  3. 民族融合与文化整合&论陈寅恪魏晋南北朝史研究

    Fusion of Nations and Integrity of Cultures & On Chen Yingque ′ s Research on the History of the Wei-Jin-Nan-Bei Dynasties

  4. 文史互证方法与魏晋南北朝史研究

    The Method of " Mutual Verification Between Literature and History " and the Study of the History of the Wei-Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties

  5. 侨州郡县是魏晋南北朝史研究中极其重要的一个问题,前人对此早有关注,并且有丰厚的成果问世。

    Emigrant History of Wei 、 Jin 、 Southern and Northern Dynasties is an extremely important issue , our predecessors in this field has long been concerned about , and have huge results come out .

  6. 魏晋南北朝园林史研究

    Research of Traditional Garden History of Wei – Jin – Southern & Northern Dynasties

  7. 魏晋南北朝测绘史考

    Research of the Surveying and Mapping History of the Wei , Jin , the Southern and Northern Dynasties

  8. 刘宋文学在魏晋南北朝文学史上具有重要的转变地位。

    Liu Song Dynasty Literature in Northern and Southern Dynasties literary history has an important change in position .

  9. 认为,十年来,学术界对魏晋南北朝社会史的研究取得了丰硕的成果,但仍然有进一步研究的空间。

    It is believed that fruitful achievements have been made in the field ; however , it still leaves much space for further explorations .

  10. 近十余年来魏晋南北朝女性史研究述评

    A Brief Comment on the Studies of the Female History of Wei , Jin , the Southern and the Northern Dynasties in the Past Decade

  11. 他开拓了佛教寺院经济史研究的新领域,也是魏晋南北朝兵制史研究的开创者之一。

    He opens up a new area of economic research in Buddhist temples , but also one of the pioneers of the history of military system of Wei Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties .

  12. 魏晋南北朝是中国文学史上第一个文学的自觉时代。此观点现代学人多有论述。

    Many modern scholars think the Wei-Jin-South-North-Dynasty is the first " self-conscious period of the literature " .

  13. 佛教传入中国,成为中国文化史上的一件大事,而魏晋南北朝是佛教发展史上的黄金时代。

    The introduction of Buddhism was a great event in the history of Chinese culture , and Wei , Jin , and Southern and Northern dynasties period was the golden age in the history of Buddhism development .